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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-26 21:50



热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 21:08



  Name: XXX Sex: Female

  Ethnic: Chinese political face: the masses

  Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: secretary

  Phone: 12345678 mobile phone: 139 ********

  Contact Address: XX Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100001

  Ecational background

  Graate institutions:

  Secretary of Beijing Institute of 1997.9 - 1999.7 secretarial profession

  Specialties:: Secretary of Practice, Theory and Practice Conference, document writing, document processing, archival science, office coordination, computer and modern office equipment, the basic theory, finance, financial, tax, legal, business English, computer English input, editing, typesetting, tabulation, shorthand, calligraphy, English typing and so on.

  Other: Other training

  * Beijing have received training in etiquette school system

  * Proficiency in office software, office and other modern office equipment, typing proficiency

  * Day-to-day communication can be concted in English, have good listening and speaking ability.

  Work experience

  * 1999.8 --- XX Import and Export Corporation has front reception and secretarial

  Front desk reception work and office administrative work, a serious and responsible work has been leading praise and colleagues


  Character I cheerful, generous, have a good knowledge of etiquette and hospitality work experience, skills, flexibility, quick response, flexibility in handling emergencies. I think that represents the front desk reception work the company's image, although the ordinary but very important job, so to do a good job in the future work required to receive a strong sense of responsibility. I am willing to work with your co-development and progress.

  Please give me a chance, I will also brilliant luster you!

  I character

  Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

  Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!

  Look forward to working with your interviews!





  Over 25 years secretarial/administrative experience.

  div align=left>Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm) Digital DECmate computer,bookkeeping,credit checks,statistical typing.

  Extensive business experience including accounting firms,legal firms,financial firms,insurance companies,transportation companies,medical environments,government agencies and non-profit groups.

  Offer common sense,ability to take initiative,quality orientation and the ability to see a job thorough.

  Outstanding communications skills...Extremely hardworking and dedicated.


  MARSTON CONVENT,Laramie,WY,1988-Present


  Answer phone,greet visitors and provide information,tours,and literature.Record and monitor thank-you notes for all received donations.Perform light typing,filling,and word processing.



  Solicit donations.Monitored the ordering of informative pamphlets,placards,buttons,tee-shirts,etc.

  RINALDO RANCH,Laramie,WY,1983-88


  Provided word processing,customer relations,some accounts payable processing.Implemented new system for check processing,increased prompt payment of client bills.

  WOMANPOWER INC.,Laramie,WY,1975-83


  Acted as liaison between public and CEO.


  Statistical Typist

  Prepared health record documentation of infectious disease patients at State hospital.Managed training of new hires.



  An office careers training program in bookkeeping,typing,reception,

  word processing,and office proceres.

  ST.JOSEPH'S ACADEMY,Portland,Maine

  High School Diploma

  Objective is unnecessary because resume illustrates a clear career path.

  Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.



  Dignified, prudent, responsible care; one-year working experience in the future, the flexibility to adapt to different environment, a good collaboration.

  Personal Information

  Name: Linyuan Sex: Female Age: 24 years old


  Address: XXX Road, Haidian District, Beijing Zip code XXX No.: XXXXXX

  Work experience

  August 2000 - the company now XXXX future scientific and technical information clerks


  Responsible for a variety of business arrangements for the coordination of activities;

  Group is responsible for answering and forwarding calls, send and receive fax, document finishing, custody;

  Office supplies procurement and management, office equipment maintenance and repair;

  Air ticket booking business for the company, document printing, and some logistics;

  Many independent organizations, the organization of major conferences;

  Visitors visiting the reception work;

  Ecational background

  September 1997 - July 2000 Beijing University of Science and Technology Computer Application Specialist

  Professional expertise and skills

  Proficiency in computers, have Office2000 and other commonly used office software, typing speed and Internet experience;

  Writing text, and can be used to draft the company documents;

  Work with strong organizational skills, ability to work independently;

  Cheerful personality, Putonghua standard, can better handle the relationship with others;

  A simple communication skills in English.

  Wage expectations :1500-2000 Yuan / month



  QUALIFICATIONS:    Over 25 years secretarial/administrative experience.

  Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm) Digital DECmate

  computer,bookkeeping,credit checks,statistical typing.  Extensive business experience including accounting firms,legal

  firms,financial firms,insurance companies,transportation companies,medical environments,government agencies and non-profit

  groups.  Offer common sense,ability to take initiative,quality orientation and the ability to see a job thorough.  Outstanding

  communications skills...Extremely hardworking and dedicated.  EMPLOYMENT:  MARSTON CONVENT,Laramie,WY,1988-

  Present  Receptionist  Answer phone,greet visitors and provide information,tours,and literature.Record and monitor thank-you

  notes for all received donations.Perform light typing,filling,and word processing.    WYOMING PUBLIC

  TELEVISION,Laramie,WY,1987-88  Telemarketer  Solicit donations.Monitored the ordering of informative


  RINALDO RANCH,Laramie,WY,1983-88  Secretary  Provided word processing,customer relations,some accounts

  payable processing.Implemented new system for check processing,increased prompt payment of client bills.

  WOMANPOWER INC.,Laramie,WY,1975-83  Secretary  Acted as liaison between public and CEO.    STATE HEALTH

  COALITION,Laramie,WY,1965-75  Statistical Typist  Prepared health record documentation of infectious disease patients at

  State hospital.Managed training of new hires.


  TRAINING,INC.,Boston,MA,1965  An office careers training program in bookkeeping,typing,reception,

  word processing,and office proceres.

  ST.JOSEPH'S ACADEMY,Portland,Maine  High School Diploma

  Objective is unnecessary because resume illustrates a clear career path.

  Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.


前台英文简历(一) Name: XXX Sex: Female Ethnic: Chinese political face: the masses Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: secretary Phone: 12345678 mobile phone: 139 Contact Address: XX Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100001 Educational background ...


前台接待英文个人简历范文 前台接待ReceptionistSandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.QUALIFICATIONS:Over 25 years secretarial/administrative experience.Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm)Digital DECmate computer,bookkeeping,credit c...


My name is XXX, the hobby is widespread, like to make friends. Treats people the enthusiasm, love the hotel work.Nearly 2 years of experience in the hotel, hope your hotel can give a chance, I will from the most basic level, exercise in the most basic level, enrich himself...


1.前台个人简历范文 姓名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州 民族:汉族 户口所在地:湖南 身材: 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:23岁 求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:前台秘书文员 工作年限:1职称:无职称 求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:2000——3500 希望工作地区:广州 工作经历 公司名称:广州市汇萃经济信息咨询有...


Date of birth : December 1980 Graduate institutions : Zhuzhou Vocational Technical College Education : secondary / college (at Reading)Sex : Female nation : Han Political landscape : membership Contact telephone : 13680788666 Two, education and training 2005.9 ~ 2007.10 Zhuzhou Vocational...

跪求英语高人指点英文简历一篇(计算机专业的,中译英),万分感激~~~_百 ...

April 2003 -05 in April Java software engineers and software development companies in Edinburgh Engaged in software development From May 2005 to December 2006 design engineers a monthly salary of Edinburgh Science and Technology Development Corporation: 3000 U.S. mainly engaged in the ...


前台的个人简历 篇3 个人资料 姓名:周小姐 性别:女性 出生年月: 身份证号: 身高: 视力情况:中 婚姻状况:未婚政治面貌:团员 目前居住地:方松街道 家庭住址: 学业资料 人才类型:在职 最高学历:大专 专业类别:其他类 专业名称:国际经济与贸易 毕业院校:企业/中介 毕业时间:20XX 外语种类:英语外语等级:三级 口...


an international company, can work here can learn a lot.Hope you give me a chance. Thank you.我是XX,毕业于 培黎职业学院,专业是日语.本人为人乐观向上,做事踏实勤奋,有耐心.三星公司是一个国际公司,能在这里工作可以学到很多东西.希望贵公司给我一个机会,谢谢.把你原话翻译了下,呵呵 ...





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