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汉译英 求英语高手 拒绝机器翻译 小弟感激不尽

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-11 15:32



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 16:47

1. Thanks to your help, I live in your country that half a happy life, and made great progress in learning English.
2. We all know, China is a long history of the country.
3. With the Spring Festival draws near, people will hold a variety of activities.
4. Welcome to China to experience the traditional culture of our country.
5. In addition, since last seen Mr.Smith been a long time has passed, and I miss him very much.
6. I want to know if he have a good time, do yourself a favor let me get in touch with him please?
7. Please give my best wishes to convey to him, thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 16:48

1. Due to your help, I lived happily ring the past half year and made great progress in English.

2. It's universally known that China is a country with a very long history.

3. With Spring Festival approaching, citizens will hold various celebrating activities.

4. Welcome to China to experience our traditional culture.

5. Plus, it's been a long time since I met Mr. Smith last time. I missed him so much.

6. I want to know if everything goes on well with him. Please help me get access to him.

7. Please say hello to him on my part. Thanks.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 16:48

1.because of your help, I am national at you to live that half year pleased the life, and studies the aspect to obtain the huge progress in English.
2.know to all, China is a nation with long history.
3.along with Chinese New Year of close by, the people will hold the activity of various each kind.
4.welcome you to China to the traditional culture that experience personally our nation.
5.in addition, ever since that time saw the Mr.Smith last time, have already pass by very long for a while, I think of him very much.
6.I want to know whether he leads happily or not, asking you to do a favour to let me make the contact with him good?
7.please turn to reach for me to his fine wish the wish, thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 16:49

1.Owing to your help, I led a happy life ring the past half year in your country, and made great progress in English.
2.As is known to us, China is a country with a long history.
3.With the advent of the Spring Festival, poeple will hold a variety of activities.
4.Welcome to China to experience our traditional culture.
5.In addition, it has been a long time since I saw Mr.Smith last time.I miss him very much.
6.I want to know whether he is happy or not,can you give me a hand to get in touch with him,please?
7.Please give my best wishes to him,thanks!
汉译英 求英语高手 拒绝机器翻译 小弟感激不尽

1. Thanks to your help, I live in your country that half a happy life, and made great progress in learning English.2. We all know, China is a long history of the country.3. With the Spring Festival draws near, people will hold a variety of activities.4. Welcome to China...


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