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谢谢大神们 帮我翻译成英文摘要吧

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-11 14:46



热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 18:44

This paper compares the current domestic common proction of barium chloride,and makes some appropriate improvement on the process of crystallization according to the analysis of the processes and factors influencing the yield,that is,using the poison tungsten resie as raw material, taking the vacuum rotary as the method to evaporate the crystallized barium chloride。

The paper finds out the best conditions of proction are bath temperature at 85 ℃ ~ 90 ℃,rotation rate at 42ran/min and the vacuum degree at 0.085Mpa , under such conditions high purity barium procts can be proced。

Based on the analysis and discussion on the contents of calcium, magnesium, sulfur,iron of the crystallized procts,the purity of barium chloride can reach about 98% after the recycling of the material liquid。

Furthermore, for the material liquid is strongly corrosive to material of the reaction apparatu ring the process of crystallization,the paper examines the protection of apparatu by Sodium sulfide against the corrosion, resulting in the fact that adding a certain amount of Sodium sulfide, the material of the reactor can be proteced in a certain period of time.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 18:44

Hoc paper comparat proctionem current domesticis plures communiter BARIUM chloride processus, processus per analysis factores influere cedat, crystallization processus est conveniens ad mores emendare, ut venenum Tungsten resii ut rudis materia, uti vacuum et evaporatio gyratorius crystallization processus BARIUM ratio chloride, ad explorare processus optimam condiciones sunt balneum temperatus ad LXXXV ℃ ~ XC ℃, moderari rotationis rate 42ran/min, 0.085Mpa tuendae vacuum gra chloride potest procere princeps puritatem BARIUM procts. Proct a crystallization calcium, magnesii, sulpur, ferrum contentus analysis et invenit Discussion post redivivus de rudis materia fluim, puritatem BARIUM pertingere possit de XCVIII%. Praeterea, principium materiale liquor evaporatio de apparatibus inter reactionem crystallization materialis a relative magna resistentiam, explorare sulfide corrosio in reactor effectus, eventus in quodam addita sodium post aliquod tempus habeat materiam intra reactor tutela effectum.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 18:45

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