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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-12 19:50



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 08:15

Although the trade barrier has been condemned by the international society more and more seriously, things always has two aspects. In my opinion, it should not be denied completely. For instance, in order to protect human, the animal and plants, as well as the health and security of the ecological environment, a kind of nontariff barrieer, named "the green barrier" has come out. To a certain extent, the green trade barrier is a effective way to protect the ecological environment. It impels the developing countries to eliminate the procts with lower environmental standards, and take technical innovation, which make their procts more competitive in the international markets. Therefore, the trade barrier still has the positive aspects.

自已翻的,希望有帮助,另外 Although 这个句型后面是不能用but 的,这是常识哦

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 08:15

Although more and more trade barriers condemned by the international community, but things often have two sides, in my opinion it was not because of the completely negative. For example, to protect human, animal and environmental health and safety, there is a name of "green barrier" of non-tariff barriers. To some extent, the green trade barriers is an effective way to protect the environment. It enables developing countries have to phase out procts with low environmental standards, technological innovation, so that their procts in the international market more competitive. Therefore, it is still positive side of trade barriers.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 08:16

Although the trade barrier is increasingly condemned by the international society , everything has two sides . For my part , it shouldn't be completely denied . For example, to protect the health and security of the human beings , animals , plants and ecological environment , there appears a non-tariff trade barrier , that is green barrier . To some extent , the green barrier is an effective measure to protect the ecological environment . It promotes the developing countries to get rid of the procts with low environment standards and to carry out the technology innovation and as a result there procts are much more competitive in the international market . Therefore , the barrier trade still has some positive effects .
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