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超紧急 继续帮忙翻译哈

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 21:18



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 01:10

1. 缺乏一定的可操作性
1. Lack of operability
The actual application, about some of the research and development business intangible assets has certain complexity and greater risks, difficult to clear the entire r&d activities concted the research and development of the two stage division. And accounting personnel itself for science and technology research and understanding of no depth, resulting in the work can not effectively completed. Therefore, new accounting standards of this regulation, although seemingly quite simple, but it is not easy to actual operation.
2. 资产确认标准主观性较强,造成企业操纵利润的可能性有所增加
2. Assets confirming standard subjectivity is stronger, causing the possibility of enterprise operation profit increased
R&d activities generally divided into research and development in two stages. And ring the development phase the stipulated standards, about spending mostly depends on the accounting personnel, and the judge objectively make increase earnings management space. Therefore, the enterprise will the two stages, as long as reasonable division of r&d after expenses incurred by the boundary of aging and adjust the capitalization, operating profit is very easy to realize.
3. 无形资产摊销中的不足
3. Intangible assets amortize insufficiency
In the new accounting rule for specific amortize fixed number of year, with no clear regulation, to use limited life, should be in service life; within reasonable amortize system Service life of intangible assets, uncertainty should not be amortized. Thus the enterprise is difficult to determine the life of intangible assets in a certain extent, affect the enterprise profits

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 01:11

1. Lack of operability
The actual application, about some of the research and development business intangible assets has certain complexity and greater risks, difficult to clear the entire r&d activities concted the research and development of the two stage division. And accounting personnel itself for science and technology research and understanding of no depth, resulting in the work can not effectively completed. Therefore, new accounting standards of this regulation, although seemingly quite simple, but it is not easy to actual operation.
2. Assets confirming standard subjectivity is stronger, causing the possibility of enterprise operation profit increased
R&d activities generally divided into research and development in two stages. And ring the development phase the stipulated standards, about spending mostly depends on the accounting personnel, and the judge objectively make increase earnings management space. Therefore, the enterprise will the two stages, as long as reasonable division of r&d after expenses incurred by the boundary of aging and adjust the capitalization, operating profit is very easy to realize.
3. Intangible assets amortize insufficiency
In the new accounting rule for specific amortize fixed number of year, with no clear regulation, to use limited life, should be in service life; within reasonable amortize system Service life of intangible assets, uncertainty should not be amortized. Thus the enterprise is difficult to determine the life of intangible assets in a certain extent, affect the enterprise profits
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