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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 21:18



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 01:10

The new energy automobile is the traditional automobile's promotion, not only may the nurse resources, but may also the environmental protection, but this proct is the new instry, but also occupies the development the stage, the consumer is quite shallow to its understanding. This article through to the new energy automobile's development present situation's description, the diagnosis Urumqi new energy automobile expense psychology and the behavior characteristic, from the sex, the age, the occupation, the income as well as the external factor analysis showed that and summarizes draws the conclusion. According to the new energy auto market's conclusion, proposed the change expense idea, the advertisement and the promotion, government's subsidy and speeds up the battery charging station construction the related strategy to guide the new energy use, hoped that the new energy automobile can grow fast, is approved by more and more consumers and purchases.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 01:11

New energy vehicle is a traditional car upgrading, not only to save resources, but also environmental protection, but this is a proct of new instries, but also in the development stage, consumers' awareness relatively shallow. This article in the new energy vehicles in the development of the description of the analysis of Urumqi City, New Energy Consumption of Automobiles psychological and behavioral characteristics and gender, age, employment, income and External Factor Analysis and Summary Conclusions. Under the new energy auto market in the conclusions of the changing consumer concepts, advertising and marketing, government subsidies and accelerate the battery charging station construction of the strategy to guide new energy consumption, and hoped that the new energy vehicles to rapid growth, more and more consumers recognized and purchase
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