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Flanders & Swann的《Paris》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-18 01:16



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 04:49

歌手:Flanders & Swann
专辑:The Complete Flanders & Swann

Faith Hill - Paris
The train pulled into paris like a rocket to the moon
The station's like a circus every face is a cartoon
Everybody's stoned on pride and drunk on cheap champagne
Tonight this joie de vivre sure don't live up to its name
And now all that I can say
Is I'd give this world to you
Every rock and every stone every masterpiece in rome
And if you asked me to
I'd steel the mona lisa, tear it up in little pieces
And lay them at your feet
For all the world to see
But tonight I can't give you paris
Aristocrats are everywhere
And the air's as thick as thieves
She'd like nothing better than to steal the breathe from me
The tower's lights ain't shinin' as it hangs its head in shame
At the sight of american blood on the streets of st. germain
Washin' up into the seine
Is I'd give this world to you
Every rock and every stone every masterpiece in rome
And if you asked me to
I'd steel the mona lisa, tear it up in little pieces
And lay them at your feet
For all the world to see
But tonight I can't give you paris
And I'd give this world to you
I'd steal the crown and kingdom from the queen of england
And if you asked me to
I'd take this city in my hands,
break it down in grains of sand
And lay them at your feet
For all the world to see
But tonight I can't give you paris

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