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一首英文歌 开头是your song, bring back the days before

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-18 06:06



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 10:16

You - Bobby Tinsley
Just press play
Yeah ohhh
-in your life there's just one person you can't live without I'm feeling my tears-

Who kept it with me when i was trying to fake it
Who told me baby i believe you're Gonna make it
Who who who who who ohhh
And who held my hand when i was in need i was stronger
Who kept me going when i couldn't go longer
Who who who who whoo
And you need to know
It was you
It was you
Girl it was you
It was you
My dreams come true my loves for you
Girl it was you
(say it) yeah
Who's on my mind every second that i wake up
Who looks so fine she dont even need her make up
Who who who who (tell me)yeah yeah
Who help you out when you were in cause of faded
And you got out and was the first one that was waiting
Who who who yeah
And you need to know
It was you
It was you
Girls it was you
It was you
My dreams come true my loves for you
Cause it was you
And you need to know
It was you
It was you
It was you
It was you
My dreams come true my loves for you
It was you(it was you)
And you need to know
-now listen you only get one life
And sometimes you only get one shot to live with everything that you have so if you have more than anything look 'em dead in the eyes you don't even blink and then say this-
Say i love you (i love you)
I want you (i wan you)
I need you (i need you)
GIRL i need you (i need you)
And i love (love love love)
I love you soo (you so)
And you need to know
It was you
It was you
Girls it was you
It was you
My dreams come true my love for you cause it was you
(it was you it was you it was you)
It was you
It was you
Girls it was you
It was you
My dreams come true my love for you
Cause it was you
And you need to know
It was you
It was you
Girls it was you
It was you
My dreams come true my loves for you
Girl it was you追问不是哎,是女生唱的呢,大概初中时候听到的,不过还是谢谢了

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