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求英文翻译成汉语 不要在线翻译软件 求人工

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 17:07



热心网友 时间:2024-06-01 10:33

1.This A.L. will be used for carrying out transactions in the OTC market only and exclusively and its operation is entirely governed by the previously mentioned Agreement.
2. The Customer shall operate with this A.L., throughout all the period of time from the moment the A.L. is credited to the trading account till the arrival of the respective payment.
3.The funds withdrawal from the account with the deferred payment activated shall be impossible, until the A.L. respective payment arrives in full amount.
直到A.L各项付款足额到达为止,否则以激活延期付款的方式从帐户中提取资金应是不可能的4. The results of transactions will not be at the Customer’s disposal until the transferred funds arrive to the Company’s account and are credited to the Customer’s trading account.直到转移的资金到达本公司账户,并存入客户的交易账户为止,否则交易的结果将不会处于客户的处理权下。
5. The Customer is solely responsible for the timely arrival of the funds in its entirety with the indicated banking details. The deadline for repayment of the Customer’s debt is seven (7) calendar days from the date of transfer of funds to trading account.客户全权负责资金的及时、全部到达,附有指示性的银行业务细节。客户债务偿还的截止日期是由资金转移至交易账户之日起的七(7)个日历日。
6. The Company may charge the Customer penalty in the amount 1% of the outstanding balance for each day of violation of terms of settlement. The Company also has the right to refuse to Customer, which violates the terms of repayment of this request in the service of his trading account and provide information about the Customer to other companies in the field of trade in financial instruments本公司可对违反结算条款的每一天,以余额金额的1%的数量收取客户罚金。本公司亦有权拒绝客户(该客户在其交易账户的服务中违反了本要求的还款条款),并将该客户的有关信息提供给金融工具领域的其他公司.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-01 10:33

1. This A.L. will be used for carrying out transactions in the OTC market only and exclusively and its operation is entirely governed by the previously mentioned Agreement.
2. The Customer shall operate with this A.L., throughout all the period of time from the moment the A.L. is creditedto the trading account till the arrival of the respective payment.
3. The funds withdrawal from the account with the deferred paymentactivated shall be impossible, until the A.L. respective payment arrives in full amount.
4. The results of transactions will not be at the Customer’s disposal until the transferredfunds arrive to the Company’s account and are credited to the Customer’s trading account.
5. The Customer is solely responsible for the timely arrival of the funds inits entirety with the indicated banking details. The deadline for repayment of the Customer’s debt is seven (7) calendar days from the date of transfer of funds to trading account.
6. The Company may charge the Customer penalty in the amount 1% of the outstanding balance for each day of violation of terms of settlement. The Company also has the right to refuse to Customer, which violates the terms of repayment of this request in the service of his trading account and provide information about the Customer to other companies in the field of trade in financial instruments.
...分?普通话不好没事吧?我现在东营工作,这边有没有短期的培训... “腾马培训”的公务员面试辅导有实战模拟吗? 北京腾马顺通物流有限公司是骗人的吗?在木樨园那一带 vivonex屏幕是多大的 vivoNEX配置是怎么样的 衣服被染色了怎么能恢复? 描写关于旅行的唯美句子 关于旅行的文艺句子 旅行简短文艺句子出去玩的心情发朋友圈 麻辣捞面怎么做? 南京市有哪些私立高中 求英文翻译,不要在线工具翻译那些! 求英文翻译(请不要使用在线翻译软件) 求英文翻译(禁止用在线翻译软件!!) 英文 翻译 不要在线 的 上错花轿嫁对郎结局? 炫龙炎魔t1如何使用bios设置u盘启动【教程】 炫龙炎魔t50笔记本使用bios设置u盘启动教程【详细步骤】 求问:香港能不能租车自驾 深圳到香港旅游可以租车去吗 香港人在内地租车需要什麼手续 香港机场到深圳蛇口可以租车去吗? 港澳公民可以租神州租车吗? 汽车租赁 深圳我是香港人,有大陆车牌可以租车吗?要什么条件. 红米手机忘了锁屏密码同时按了音量加和开机键没有清除数据怎么办? 联通大王卡销户还要预留话费50才能销户,那么我交了50话费后,那个话费怎 ... 大王卡注销能退钱吗移动 大熊猫怀孕时间 ...传播文化的日子》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源_百度... 伸脚勾脚是等长运动 等长运动能在短时间内产生巨大张力吗 求助 翻译成英文 不要在线翻译的那一种 ...的便便,有的说是快生了,有的说是把小鱼吃掉了,帮我看看到底是... 向天真女生低头 电饭煲出现c3怎么办? 哪位书法家写的硬笔书法好 怎么把电脑上得歌曲和照片弄到手机5S上面! 哪家硬笔楷书教的好 TF演唱会14周岁可以抢票吗? 封禅是帝王的特权,为何霍去病在漠北之战敢封禅?汉武帝为何也不追究... 现在篮球运球过肩可以吗? 为什么酰氯比羧酸频率高 会计职业道德规范的主要内容有八条,请问这八条的出处是哪里 ...文档里设置超链接,可以实现直接点一个关键词就能调到指定的内容... ...替代word自带的查找,从一大段文字中找到关键字并自动跳转的?_百度... 广安邻水审判强奸未遂案 四川省,邻水县。倒碑村,青水河,水库听说十月分动工,会动工吗 张美贤对林峰的评价 somewhere的同义词是什么? 冒险岛心疤狮王 冒险岛BOSS的防御力问题