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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 14:48



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:47

Different place determines different call way, different call way and contain different cultural background, from China and the western countries in the name of the difference, we deeply realized in different areas and unique cultural connotation, the People's Daily life, let me aestheticism habit to cultural diversity of rich and colorful.
In a dinner on the western cultural differences also wants to notice, otherwise it will cause a joke. Chinese hospitality is commonly when a dinner tables, but whatever food dish, how big mouth always modest said: "no food, food is bad, and have something to eat." In order to politeness, habit to guests will eat more, but Chinese is "good", often talk plainly feel hungry, said: "I'm full, no." , Until the host a please please, just slowly, "if you insist." But the Anglo-American entertain guests usually not so exquisite, chien four dish. When have dinner, the host will say: "general of yourself, please!" "Please eat." that you eat what they eat anything. The Anglo-American entertains respect personal will, exquisite realistic, repeatedly asked guests want food or food to the guest, is the plug is not polite. Therefore, when the owner gives you more food or ask what you want, such as: "do what old piece of pie?" (" to another piece of meat pie? "), if you want, you can flatly replied: "Yes, please!" Or A "yes" old piece of pie if you really don't want to eat anything, simply said: "yes.". And guest ring meals, must praise food prepared by master, master praised the craft, or whatever you eat too much satisfied, master would be unhappy. The typical English subject is:
Guest: It 's delicious taste good. (.). Old memories is tender was/meat tender. (This).
Host: yes I 'm boss do it (thanks, I'm glad you like to eat.
Some people do not understand Chinese, American habit to foreigners, also welcome home, they could again, at most two times, that you really don't want to eat. The Anglo-American law often asked the second is: "but I am? No happen" (" really don't? Don't bother. "), It is the last one, if you please, had to drink nothing. Moreover, people think food to eat, don't finish in dish is not civilized behavior, and so would first have some less, do not have enough to eat, but comfortable with the master said: "Oh, reawaken delicious." "Oh, this is delicious.") and more just eat dish, host to enjoy their food, you will feel happy

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:47

Different places determines the different ways of addressing, different Chenghu way but also contains different cultural backgrounds, from China and the West in the name of the country's call Fangmian differences Xing in, 我们 deeply realized in different areas and unique cultural connotation, people peculiar habit of daily life, let me taste the cultural diversity and rich. Dinner party in the West should pay attention to the cultural differences, otherwise it will cause a joke. Chinese hospitality and cuisine dinners are usually full table

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:47

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