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热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:18

To enter Ph.D studies focusing on Ecational Psychology.
Sep. 2023—present, xx University of xx
Majoring in: Ideological and Political Ecation
Overall GPA: 3.7/4
Sep. 1999—Jul.2023 xx University
Majoring in: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Ecation
Overall GPA: 2.7/4
Professional Experience
Publication Experience
Study on Problems in Minor’s Morals and the Establishment of Moral Ecational System, xxx, xxx ,xx
Abstract: It’s very shocking that 30% minors proce such phenomena, like being tiring of study, willful, lying, timid, the violence tendency, declining scores, addicted to network and even committed a crime. Psychology experts point out that the minors’ abnormal behaviors have something with the families, the living environment and the social values etc. But the lack of moral ecation is the prime factor that caused the appearance of such phenomena. Therefore, the best way to ecate “Troubled Teenager” is to strengthen the establishment of moral system, and some views about it will be illustrated full in the paper.
Responsibility: Selected the topic, collected the related materials; wrote part of chapter, revised the whole paper comprehensively
Awards: first-prize in high-level forum article on strengthening and improving the minor ideological and moral construction
Exploring the Nature of Higher Ecation Institute from the Law’s Angle, Zhao Fei, Ren Aijuan
Abstract:The paper shows that the multi-legal status of Higher Ecation Institute was the important reason for the dispute between China Higher Ecation Institutes and college students. Thus, to define the nature of Higher Ecation Institutes clearly from the law’s angle has become the best way to nail down the relationship between them.
Achievement: Graate student innovation fund project “University Students Management Legalization Research”,xx University of xxx
Research Experience:
The Initial Probe of human's modernization and way of realization it in the process of Chinese modernization
Abstract: How to improve the Chinese makings comprehensively and realize the modernization of Chinese has become the key to success of modern socialism with Chinese characteristic, and the revival of the Chinese Nation as well .
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper
The Development of Chinese non-governmental organizations and the Promotion of its members’makings
Abstract:Under the international and domestic environment, the exerting, changing and developing of the non-governmental organizations members’ makings, especially the appearance and mightiness of some advanced ingredients could enforce the innovation and advancement of its internal thoughts and other aspects. Thus, a new working environment is created, which can finally provide good development space for the non-governmental organizations. American non-governmental organizations have been well developed. Therefore, the comparative discussion between Chinese and American non-governmental organization as well as their members’ makings exerts certain practical significance.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper.
Comparison between the USA and China’s tax policies
Abstract: It is the common practice to force the development of non-profit organization by adopting the tax policies. The American tax policies have greatly promoted the development and perfection of the non-profit organization(非营利组织). Compared with the America, there were many problems in our country’s tax policies and we need to reform and perfect it.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper.
Analysis the phenomenon “shortage of migrant worker ”--The Treatment of Migrant Worker
Abstract: In the recent two years, the phenomenon of migrant worker shortage has become more and more serious in Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River delta, southeast of Fujian and so on, which has exerted obvious influence on the enterprise's proction in the local and the peripheral areas. Based on the real situation of “Shortage of migrant worker",his paper proposed the concrete solutions to improve the treatment of migrant worker.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper, contributed the paper.
On Human's existence and its significance
Abstract: Beginning with personal understanding to philosophy, the paper first takes the definition of human into consideration, then explores and refines the connotation of human's existence from the philosopher’s viewpoints, and finally proposes some ideas on the significance of human' existence. Although, it will be a long time that there are still not explicit answers to these problems, the process of exploring and discussing will be the good reply to them.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper .
On Popular culture and cutting-edge culture
Abstract: The popular culture and the cutting-edge culture are the two main cultural shapes, whose characteristics and mutual relationship have attracted close attention in each historical period. By probing the background and characteristics of these two cultures and analyzing their development situation, the paper finally makes a comparison between them and forecasts their development trend in the future.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper
Non-governmental organization----the new form for citizens to take part in democratic politics
Abstract: This paper mainly expounds the status and function of non-governmental organization’s participating in democratic politics.
Responsibility: Selected the topics, exchanged ideas with the teacher; collected the related materials, sorted and wrote the whole paper
Teaching Experience:
2000 xxxx Elementary School, Grade Five
Experience: grasped the newest ecation teaching psychology theory, may ecate the students of the right age successfully.
2023 xxxxSenior High School, Grade Two
Methods: knew well about students’ psychology, motivated students’ study enthusiasm with the interesting courseware, made students to realize the pleasure of using the network and computer correctly, and guided the students to treat the network information correctly with the facts .
Achievements: Under my guidance, two students, who were treated as the spoiled students by the teacher in the class, attended the lecture earnestly and initiatively. Moreover, they asked me the questions which they felt confused after class and told me their hobbies initiatively. Later, I was invited to participate in their extracurricular activities, and they even volunteered in the campus sanitation’s cleaning activity.
English Skill
TOEFL: 610 TWE 5.0 Date: 01/14/2023
GRE: 1200 V 410 (34 %below) Q 790(91%below) A/AW 4 Date: 06/10/2023
Honors and Awards
Advanced Indivial in Office system, Henan oil field branch, Sino-petroleum Group
Certificate of System Assistant Engineer, Sino-petroleum Group
Senior High School Teaching Certification
National Grade l Mandarin Certificate (Level B )
National Computer Certificate (Grade 2)
Interest and Extracurricular Activities
Computer, accordion, writing, swimming (took part in the local youth games and won the honors), pingpong.
A social work public service lover,
Worked as on campus leader in Youth volunteer Association and joined the public welfare activity “one man, one tree” of Hubei Province

专业:心理学 工作能力简介 1、学生活动和管理能力:历任浙江师范大学研工部全职助管、浙江师范大学兼职辅导员、教师教育学院研究生会副主席、校研究生会学术部部长。2、教学能力:xx年—xx年担任杭州技师学院数学、英语、政治、心理学、消费心理学、市场调研、电子商务等课程的教学;xx年获杭州技师学院教学...


2011/10第十四届全国心理学大会 学生代表 教育心理学分会场报告,与研究者交流研究心得 教育背景 最高学历:硕士所学专业:发展与教育心理学 2009/09-2012/06 华中师范大学 发展与教育心理学 硕士 证书及奖励 职业资格认定 教师资格证(高中英语)、心理咨询师(二级)、人力资源管理师(二级) 获奖情况 2007-2008年获校...


身高:177cm,体重:56kg,最高学历:本科 培训:- 2011年1月至2011年5月 - 培训课程:心理咨询师 - 培训机构:重庆师范大学 - 培训地点:重庆师范大学 - 获得证书:国家二级心理咨询师 - 证书编号:11310372 - 理论成绩:71分 - 操作成绩:70分 - 论文成绩:70分 语言能力:- 外语语种:英语 ...


擅长与人沟通,包容性强,勤于思考和实践,随机应变能力强,对心理学理论的狂热,善于把所学知识活学活用,举一反三。我,立志成为一名优秀的心理咨询师,我的人生格言;“没有做不到,只有想不到!”求职意向 职位性质: 全职 到岗时间: 随时 月薪要求: 2500~3000元 意向岗位: 心理学专业技术类...


心理健康教育个人简历范文 基本资料 姓名:XX  性 别: 女 出生年月:婚姻状况: 未婚 政治面貌: 团员 民族: 汉族 身高: 0 体重: 0 最高学历: 硕士 所学专业: 心理健康教育 毕业学校: 江西师范大学 毕业时间: 2012-06-28 特长概括: 心理健康教育 户籍: 湖北省黄冈市武穴市 现所在地...


本文是美国心理学专业的个人简历英文范文,希望对大家的美国留学申请个人简历写作有所帮助,本文提供的个人简历英文模板仅供参考,请大家不要照搬。而是参照自身总结出好文章。To enter Ph.D studies focusing on Educational Psychology.EducationSep. 2023—present, xx University of xxMajoring in: Ideological and ...




【老师个人简历范文一】个人基本简历 姓 名:张xx小姐 国籍:中国 目前住地:广州 民族:汉族 户籍地:潮州 身高体重:158 cm 43 kg 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:22 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:应聘职位:小学教师/幼儿教师、教师、客服代表/专员/助理、信贷管理/信码码用调查/分析人员 工作年限:0...


个人简历优秀范文100字1 姓名:XXX 目前住地:广州 民族:汉族 户籍地:潮州 身高:158cm 体重:43kg 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:22岁 学历:大专 月薪要求:面议 求职意向:学前教育,育婴师等与本专业或特长相关行业。希望可以到一个重视人才的单位里,有一定的发展空间,能实现自身的价值。教育背景:2005...


个人简历范文200字1 姓名:张三 性别:男 民族:汉族 籍贯:河南南阳 出生日期:1987年7月 健康状况:良好 教育背景:毕业院校:xx应用工程职业学院 专业:汽车应用 学历:大专 毕业时间:20xx年 工作经历:1. 20xx年4月至20xx年8月,在xx省xx市xx客车制造厂实习,负责汽车组装和检测工作。2. 20xx年...

会计专业个人简历模板范文 个人简历专业技能范文 大学生个人简历模板范文 2019年大学个人简历模板范文 个人简历样本范文 个人简历模板范文 标准个人简历范文 康复专业个人简历模板 个人简历教育情况范文
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