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Florence Quivar的《Witness》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-20 19:48



热心网友 时间:2024-03-21 00:01

歌手:Florence Quivar
专辑:Ride On, King Jesus

Tori Amos - Witness
Thought I had a witness C'mon...
Thought I had a witness to this crime
Thought I had a witness
Thought we were on the same side of becoming
Then the judges called in a witness C'mon...
So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powder
Exotic matter that cells divide arresting time
So in your furnace then
You drank my tenderness
Feldspar and Mica then
You thought that you would own my temple of gold
Gotta rise in the night
Pick myself off the floor
I know now that it's over
Had a life before
You left me burnin' in
Your petrol emotion
Your petrol emotion
Wanting more
Thought I had a witness C'mon...
Thought we had a friendship C'mon...
Thought I heard you whispering murder
Thought this witches brew was more than bullet-proof
But words are like guns when you shoot the moon
'Cause everybody whispers C'mon...
So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powder
Exotic matter that cells divide arresting time
So in your furnace then
You drank my tenderness
Feldspar and Mica then
You thought that you would own my temple of gold
Gotta rise in the night
Pick myself off the floor
I know now that it's over
Had a life before
You left me burnin' in
Your petrol emotion
Your petrol emotion
Wanting more
Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...
Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...
Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I'm out the door
Is there any way? Is there any way forward?
Is there any way? Is there any way forward?
Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...
Thought I had a witness
Thought you were you
Thought I was a witness
You could turn to, not in
Thought I had a witness
Thought I had a witness C'mon...

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