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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-19 01:05



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 03:37

Because this department has been the company comply with rules and regulations set up a fax machine fax password.

At last week Friday (6-Mar) found that set up a fax passwords do not have fax machines will be able to fax a password and then inform the maintenance department and set up a new fax password.

Week 1 (9-Mar) found invalid password was originally set up, and show the date of fax machines into a 96-year January 1. Found immediately after the re-set the time and password and print the last fax a week

Record, but the past record disappeared Fax (said from 25-Feb-09 to 8-Mar-09)

Department staff recommends that the Advisory repair fax machines proced Corporation (Panasonic), according to Matsushita Electric customer service that our fax machine is very likely problems are the main cause data version to reset, reset the machine e to the past

Fax records will be lost and no longer be able to find relevant records.

Please repair the Ministry of the following colleagues back on the results of repair of fax machines

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 03:37

Because this department has been the company comply with rules and regulations set up a fax machine fax password.
At last week Friday (6-Mar) found that set up a fax passwords do not have fax machines will be able to fax a password and then inform the maintenance department and set up a new fax password.
Week 1 (9-Mar) found invalid password was originally set up, and show the date of fax machines into a 96-year January 1. Found immediately after the re-set the time and password and print the last fax a week

Record, but the past record disappeared Fax (said from 25-Feb-09 to 8-Mar-09)
Department staff recommends that the Advisory repair fax machines proced Corporation (Panasonic), according to Matsushita Electric customer service that our fax machine is very likely problems are the main cause data version to reset, reset the machine e to the past

Fax records will be lost and no longer be able to find relevant records.

Please repair the Ministry of the following colleagues back on the results of repair of fax machines.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 03:38

Because this department has been the company comply with rules and regulations set up a fax machine fax password.
At last week Friday (6-Mar) found that set up a fax passwords do not have fax machines will be able to fax a password and then inform the maintenance department and set up a new fax password.
Week 1 (9-Mar) found invalid password was originally set up, and show the date of fax machines into a 96-year January 1. Found immediately after the re-set the time and password and print the last fax a week

Record, but the past record disappeared Fax (said from 25-Feb-09 to 8-Mar-09)
Department staff recommends that the Advisory repair fax machines proced Corporation (Panasonic), according to Matsushita Electric customer service that our fax machine is very likely problems are the main cause data version to reset, reset the machine e to the past

Fax records will be lost and no longer be able to find relevant records.

Please repair the Ministry of the following colleagues back on the results of repair of fax machines.


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