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IB 经济HL 真题分类

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 19:13



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 23:34

Outline the goals of
Economic Development

Evaluate the relationship between
economic growth and development

Outline the sources of economic growth in
developing countries

Outline the common characteristics of

Explain the poverty cycle

Examine the different reasons for, and
circumstances of LEDCs

Outline three Millennium Development

Distinguish between GDP per capita
figures and GNI per capita figures

Distinguish between GDP per capita at
market exchange rates and GDP per capita using PPP

Compare and contrast two health and
ecation figures for MEDCs and LEDCs

Analyse the value of using HDI as an
example of a composite measure of development

Analyse the usefulness of GDP - HDI

Compare and contrast development
statistics between developed and developing nations

Describe how the following domestic
factors contribute to development

1. Ecation and Health

2. The use of appropriate technology

3. Access to credit and micro-credit

4. The empowerment of women

5. Income distribution

Outline the nature of instry and trade
in LEDCs which provide constraints to development

Explain and evaluate import subsitution
as an approach to trade for LEDCs

Explain and evaluate export promotion as
an approach to trade for LEDCs

Outline the role of diversification for

Describe the nature of Foreign Direct
Investment & Multinational Corporations

Describe the reasons why multinationals
expand into LEDCs

Evaluate the impact of MNCs on LEDCs

Distinguish between Official Development
Assistance (ODA), and assistance from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Distinguish between humanitarian,
emergency relief aid and development aid.

Provide examples of different development
aid projects in areas such as ecation, health & the financial sector

Explain the concept of concessional loans

Explain the concept of tied aid

Outline the motivation for developed
nations in providing ODA

Compare and contrast the extent, nature
and sources of ODA to two economically less developed countries.

Examine the roles of multilateral aid
donors, such as the IMF & the world bank.

Evaluate the effectiveness of foreign aid
in contributing to economic development.

Compare and contrast the roles of aid and
trade in economic development.

Outline the meaning of foreign debt and
explain why countries borrow from foreign creditors.

Outline the circumstances of heavily
indebted countries

Outline the problems associated with
heavily indebted countries

Outline the arguments in favour of
cancelling debts to heavily indebted nations

Discuss the positive outcomes of
market-oriented policies for development

Discuss the negative outcomes of
market-oriented strategies

Discuss the strengths of interventionist
policies for development

Discuss the limitations of
interventionist policies for development

Explain the importance of good governance
in the development process.

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