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电影诺丁山 扎克妹妹过生日那段插曲叫什么

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-10 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 06:22

这个是ronan keating的when you say nothing at all,你的英语听力还是挺不错的,第一句全对,一个词都没错。notting hill里面的所有配乐都相当不错呢,有兴趣不妨收一张原声CD

热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 06:22

When You Say Nothing At All
有两个版本的哦,电影里是Ronan Keating唱的,还有一个是女声版,不过个人觉得还是男声好听。

热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 06:23


热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 06:23


it's amazing how you can speak right to
my heart

without saying a word, you can light up
the dark
try as i may i could never explain
what i hear when you don't say a thing

the smile on your face lets me know that
you need me

there's a truth in your eyes saying you'
ll never leave me

the touch of your hand says you'll catch
me whenever i fall

you say it best.. when you say nothing a
t all

all day long i can hear people talking o
ut loud

but when you hold me near, you drown out
the crowd
try as they may they can never define

what's been said between your heart and

the smile on your face lets me know that
you need me

there's a truth in your eyes saying you'
ll never leave me

the touch of your hand says you'll catch
me whenever i fall

you say it best.. when you say nothing a
t all

the smile on your face lets me know that
you need me

there's a truth in your eyes saying you'
ll never leave me

the touch of your hand says you'll catch
me whenever i fall

you say it best.. when you say nothing a
t all

(you say it best.. when you say nothing
at all)

(you say it best.. when you say nothing
at all)

the smile on your face(you say it best..
when you say nothing at all)

the truth in your eyes(you say it best..
when you say nothing at all)

the touch of your hand(you say it best..
when you say nothing at all)

let's me know that you need me..(you say
it best.. when you say nothing at all)

(you say it best.. when you say nothing
at all)…
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