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Unwritten Law的《Lonesome》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-10 01:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 18:46

歌手:Unwritten Law
专辑:Unwritten Law

Making By 小川
She looks smiley
He looks freindly
You Maybe Nice
Don't Know who I am
She is talkative
He is whiner
You are innocent
Don't know how I am
She keeps talking
He keeps begging
You are stainless
But i keep driving
Though i know
you are the one who would end this rain
You make me feel I'm changing
that only makes me annoyd
Cause Grab it steal it beat them down
That's all I've learned
You are innocent
You are stainless
You are my best friend
so I tell you this
You are an angel
Let me feel good
Let me feel I am still alive
I have learned my
instinct is hiding background
Though no one knows
But I keep denying
Cause the world is lonesome enough to me
and the world is crazy enough to me
it keeps turning around and around
and leaves me behind
I say the world is lonesome enough
I say the world is lonesome enough
When I've got a feeling that I am betraid
I blame myself to have expected
The way you see it through your eyes could be different slight
the world is lonesome enough to me
and the world is crazy enough to me
it keeps turning around and around
and leaves me behind
I say the world is lonesome enough
I say the world is lonesome enough
You make me feel I'm changing
that only makes me annoyd
Cause Grab it steal it beat them down
That's all I've learned
the world is lonesome enough to me
and the world is crazy enough to me
it keeps turning around and around
and leaves me behind
I say the world is lonesome enough
the world is lonesome enough to me
and the world is crazy enough to me
it keeps turning around and around
and leaves me behind
I say the world is lonesome enough
I say the world is lonesome enough

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