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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-10 00:33



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 15:36

Chapter 8 Summary of Robin Hood:
Chapter 8 of Robin Hood is titled "The Butcher and the Sheriff." It begins with Robin Hood and Little John walking through the forest when they come across a butcher carrying several deer. Robin and Little John ask the butcher how he acquired the deer, and he tells them that the sheriff himself gave them to him. This angers Robin, and he decides to teach the sheriff a lesson.
The next day, Robin and Little John dress up as monks and visit the sheriff's castle. The sheriff welcomes them, and they sit down for dinner. As they eat, Robin and Little John notice that the food is bland, and they ask the sheriff for some salt. When the sheriff goes to fetch the salt, Robin and Little John steal all the silverware and escape.
The sheriff is furious and sets out to capture Robin Hood. He comes across the butcher, who tells him that Robin and Little John stole the silverware. The sheriff promises to reward the butcher if he leads him to Robin Hood's hideout.
The butcher leads the sheriff to the forest, but Robin Hood is one step ahead. He has his men dress up as trees and ambush the sheriff and his men. The sheriff is captured, and Robin Hood makes him pledge to never harm him or his men or to interfere with their activities in any way.
The chapter ends with Robin Hood and his men enjoying a feast that they have prepared with the stolen silverware. They also decide to use some of their ill-gotten gains to help the poor and needy in the nearby villages.
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