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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 20:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:46

GBSN是美国的Great Basin Scientific, Inc. (大盆地科技有限公司),主要从事医药健康领域的研究,
下面介绍的简单翻译:大盆地科技有限公司,是一家分子诊断测试公司,作为大盆地集团的一部分,主要从事医院获得性传染病的分子测试系统开发及商用。公司平台提供了C.diff (一种可引起重症腹泻和机能紊乱的革兰氏阳性细菌)的快速医疗检出测试。………………

Business Summary
Great Basin Scientific, Inc., a molecular diagnostic testing company, doing business as Great Basin Corporation, develops and commercializes molecular diagnostic systems that are designed to test hospital-acquired infections. The company’s platform provides C. diff test, a rapid medical diagnostic test for the detection of C. diff, a gram-positive bacteria that causes severe diarrhea and other intestinal disorders. It also provides Group B streptococcus test, which is used to detect Group B streptococcus from an anal/vaginal swab of a pregnant woman. The company’s assays in clinical trials include Staphylococcus identification and resistance blood infection panel that is designed to identify species of Staphylococcus infections, detect the mecA gene that confers drug resistance directly from positive blood cultures, and provide information on the antibiotic resistance profile of the bacteria; and Shiga toxin procing Escherichia coli (E. coli) test that identifies shiga toxin proced by E. coli. Its assays under development include Staphyloccocus aureus (SA) pre-surgical nasal screen, a rapid test for the presence of SA in the nasal passages of a pre-surgical patient; food borne pathogen panel, which is designed to detect the causes of food poisoning; and Candida blood infections panel that is designed to identify the five species of Candida directly from positive blood cultures. The company sells its diagnostic tests through a direct sales force in the United States, as well as through distributors in the European Union and New Zealand. The company was formerly known as Diagnostic Micro Arrays, Inc. and changed its name to Great Basin Scientific, Inc. in April 2006. Great Basin Scientific, Inc. is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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