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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 20:51



热心网友 时间:2022-04-12 14:48

The need , maximum field to high speed Internet cut-over and telecommunication network applications have promoted development of cut-over net. Switching in a net is telecommunication net important component. The main body of a book the angle cut-over net technologies such as have summarized copper wire , fibre-optical , wireless from theory and their characteristic. Current situation switching in a net at the same time also according to the city, plans such as switching in the net plan model with layers combining with fibre-optical , assigning a tier tier to city fibre-optical cut-over net main force, designs investigation and discussion having been in progress. The angle has introced also secondary reality switching in a tier , has converged the core waits for xDSL to switch in direction and priority required design in six aspects to ought to pay attention to by net system tier. And wait for the example in common use to have set forth the current technology being most mature with school , guesthouse , family, technology applying be most broad ADSL.


热心网友 时间:2022-04-12 16:06

High-speed Internet access and telecommunications network applications, which greatly promoted the development of access networks. Telecom Access Network is an important component of the network. This paper provides an overview of the theoretical perspective of copper, fiber, wireless and other access network technologies and their characteristics. At the same time, urban access network in accordance with the status quo, combined with fiber-optic access network hierarchical planning model for urban trunk optical fiber access network layer, distribution layer, such as planning and design are discussed. Also presented from a practical point of access layer, convergence layer, the core layer, such as xDSL access network systems should be designed six of the direction and focus of attention. And to schools, hotels, family and other common examples of the current technology the most mature, most widely used of the ADSL technology.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-12 17:40

High-speed Internet access and for telecom network applications, greatly promoted the development of access. Access is an important part of telecommunication networks. From the perspective of the theory of copper and fibre, summarizes the characteristics of wireless access technology and etc. Also according to the cities, based on the status of the access of hierarchical planning model, optical access to access the main city fiber distribution layer, such planning and design are discussed. Also introced from actual Angle access layer, convergence layer core, as required from six aspects: xDSL access system design should pay attention to the direction and key. And to the school, family, hotel and examples, the most mature technique most widely used ADSL technology.
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