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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-15 06:44



热心网友 时间:2023-12-04 01:56

(B) portability
(C) use of resources
(4) The ability to customize system
(5) Cost
(6) Chinese-core support
Chinese domestic procts need to support. Because the operating system is mostly used Western methods, whether to support the double-byte coding, compliance with GBK, GBl8030 various national standards, whether to support the Chinese input and processing, it offers third-party Chinese inputs for domestic users is embedded - procts must be considered an important factor.
With the above-mentioned procts to WinCE + x86 is subtraction, which in reality is the so-called PC appliances; it is another addition, the use of household appliances hardware solution (most of the non-x86) be improved, coupled with embedded operating system, coupled with the application software. This is the so-called practice of PC appliances, and the advantages of this additive is low cost, feature prominent disadvantage is that the proct development cycle long, difficult (requiring in-depth understanding of the hardware and operating system). If you choose this approach, Linux is a good choice, so you can go to the hood, if you are willing and capable.
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