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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-15 09:14



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 18:28

1. Thank the Singapore Government for giving us this opportunity to thank the school provide the opportunity for this.

2. At home, I am sure that the ideal can be admitted to a university, but universities are charging, my home is not very rich, and you have provided scholarships, and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore is the world famous, all my choice, I enjoy.

3. To the city school for the deaf counseling homework or take part in fund-raising, one of the study of life they know, are two means to help them make some things. Sentiment: thank my parents for a healthy body.

4. My classmates, he is also very good, if he lost the spot to play are probably poor. Hope he will seize the opportunity after all.

5. Are prepared to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full.

6.Through school teacher knows the things to students. We are teachers and schools recommend a combination of the selection.

7. My ability to adapt relatively strong, the exchange of good teachers and classmates. Will make some simple dishes, noodles in the water after opening, otherwise the batter will be into a pot.

8. Written test score should be better able to take part in an interview today that can be. My strong points are organized language ability, ability to mathematical logic. Class can be maintained at Class at the forefront of English have also been prize contest.

9. No matter what, I communicate the same age and are well on their studies, the more aspects of life. As a girlfriend, and some of my age, I am positive that there will be the selection.

10. I have to adapt to the new study are confident that the living environment. According to our alumni in Singapore, the Singapore is suitable to their learning and development, I think I will.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 18:28

1 Thank the Singapore Government has given us this opportunity to thank the school provide the opportunity for this.
2 At home, I am sure that the ideal can be admitted to a university, but universities are charging, my home is not very rich, and you have provided scholarships, and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore, who also is one of the world school, all my choice, I enjoy
3 To the city school for the deaf counseling homework or take part in fund-raising, one of the study of life they know, are two means to help them make some things. Sentiment: thank my parents for a healthy body.
4 My classmate, he is also very good, if he lost the spot to play are probably poor.Willing to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full. Hope he will seize the
5.Willing to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full.
6 School through the Teacher to students to know things. We are teachers and schools recommend a combination of the selection.
7 My ability to adapt relatively strong, the exchange of good teachers and classmates. Will make some simple dishes, noodles in the water after opening, otherwise the batter will be into a pot
8 Written test score should be better able to take part in an interview today that can be. My strong points are organized language ability, ability to mathematical logic. Class can be maintained at Class at the forefront of English have also been prize contest.
No matter what, and I communicate very well the same age, on the school, talk of more aspects of life. As a girlfriend, and some of my age, I am positive that there will be the selection.

10 I have to adapt to the new study are confident that the living environment. According to our alumni in Singapore, the Singapore is suitable to their learning and development, I think I will.

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