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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 22:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 11:28


The revolution of the earth around the sun every day elegant, and spring, summer, autumn and winter is on the scene with rich repertoire,
365 days is like spring ding-dong jump in the corner of the brow, and today, every day is to belong to you, because of your name
The good label.
You already know how today is a day, isn't it? Yes, your birthday!
From the day of zero moment, there is a angel sneak into your dream, scattered countless good wishes. Open in the morning
Open eyes, whether you smile in front of a mirror? Is this charming smile angel gift your birthday! The smile is you
Life rings of the new beginning, is the beginning of the struggle of life, you have no matter the popular or sunny the sun, please
Remember to bring in the body, always the gift of the angel smile to myself!
Life journey, walk alone is lonely, can look forward to have personal with his thin, hand in hand, jiayuan
Is lonely people post and wish you: here with an electric inction, cherish each other, and then a firm hold of the hand of the TA, the
The direction of happiness go on!追问有译文嘛

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