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Be Love (Exodus Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-24 17:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 14:46

歌曲名:Be Love (Exos Album Version)
歌手:Plus One

Be Love (Exos Album Version)
Plus One
So you steal it
Escape away with nothing
You try to feel it
But what you have is plastic
Your burned your pocket
And everything that's in it
On your search for something
That is real
Well if you need love
Take the time and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
If you need love
Give yourself and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
It's so empty
But your room is full of people
It's so quiet
But everyone's so loud
And if you need love
Take the time and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
If you need love
Give yourself and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
Inside your ruining the mood
You're singing solitude
Forgetting all you knew
So look, look into the mirror
Swallow all your fear
Believe it's really near
Cause if you need love
Cause if you need love
Take the time and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
If you need love
Give yourself and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn
If you need love
Give yourself and be love
Breathe it out create love
See how things can turn

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