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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 12:43



热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 08:14

life in the space can be fansinating. you fly, literally, to any place as there is no gravity. you'll never have a over-weight problem, becaue you virtually have no weight.
However, life in the space can also be miserable. the water and food will spilt everywhere, as food and water don't drop down with the gravity and stay in the container. The only feasible way of eating food is to make them like a paste and sqeeze into your mouth, just like what the astronauts do. You can't really enjoy the food anymore.
For human being, gravity can be a pain, but we can't live without it.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 08:15

life in the space can be fansinating. you fly, literally, to any place as there is no gravity. you'll never have a over-weight problem, becaue you virtually have no weight.
However, life in the space can also be miserable. the water and food will spilt everywhere, as food and water don't drop down with the gravity and stay in the container. The only feasible way of eating food is to make them like a paste and sqeeze into your mouth, just like what the astronauts do. You can't really enjoy the food anymore.
For human being, gravity can be a pain, but we can't live without it.
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