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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 07:41



热心网友 时间:2024-09-21 02:37

Daba Mountains area is the development of the Yangtze River flow City earlier one of the region, the forest resources through repeated mining-chiao, a typical area of primeval forest has ceased to exist, because of the lack of systematic thinking and the overall ecological awareness, one-sided pursuit of high-speed,Led to the use of resources and damage to the environment simultaneously, plus the predatory reclamation of land, forest resource consumption out of control; increased soil erosion, frequent natural disasters, deterioration of the ecological environment, seriously restricting the development of the economic construction of the basin at the same time, as population growth, Economic development, the growing demand for resources, the impact on the environment has become more dramatic increase, resulting in the ecological system in the vicious cycle. Therefore the protection of the ecological environment on the Dabashan district of safeguarding national ecological safety is of great and far-reaching strategic significance.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-21 02:37

Daba Mountains area is the development of the Yangtze River flow City earlier one of the region, the forest resources through repeated mining-chiao, a typical area of primeval forest has ceased to exist, because of the lack of systematic thinking and the overall ecological awareness, one-sided pursuit of high-speed,Led to the use of rources and damage to the reclamation of land, forest resource consump out of control; increased soil erosion, frequent natural disasters, deterioration of the ecological environment,restricting the development of the economic construction of the basin at the same time, as population growth, Economic development, the growing demand for resources, the impact on the environment has become more dramatic increase, resulting in the ecological system in the vicious cycle. Therefore the protection of the ecological environment on the Dabashan district of safeguarding national ecological safety is of great and far-reaching strategic significance
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