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谁有serendipitiy (Jenya) 的歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 21:12



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 16:11

歌:jenya 作词:鲇
  swinging waves,salty wind sang my lullaby
  i was born in the depths of the sea

  my father and mothe loved each other very much
  were so in love,so anyone who saw them felt the warmest inside
  so am i

  my life is the crystal of love
  my parents gave me,this is my gift
  thank you my dears

  as time went by
  i found out that
  there's no tryuth

  so i tried to discover it
  tell me what's reason of life my reason
  why i'm not the same

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 16:11

So long ago, on a summer day
I put my best shirt on
I took you to the matinee
With money from mowing lawns
Money from mowing lawns

You worked down at the Dairy Queen
We hit it off from the start
Now there's a blizzard in between
Frost inside a heart

If I had a good reason, I would share
It with you
Then the coldest season came
Making room for something new
Good for you
Good for me
Call it serendipity

Walking on coals, just trying to get through
But summers don't last that long
All that is left here is the truth
Everything else is gone

Gone without a good reason for me to share
With you
When the coldest season came
Making room for something new
Good for you
Good for me
Call it serendipity

If I could only hit my stride
I'll make it to the other side
I don't wanna be roadkill
When there's half a cup to fill
To fill

Good for you (Call it serendipity)
Good for me (Serendipity)
Call it serendipity
Call it serendipity
Call it serendipity

Walking on coals, just trying to get through
Now summers don't last so long
All that is left here is the truth
Everything else is gone

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