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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 20:53



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:53

benefits of having school uniforms
1. A school uniform makes it easier for the school authorities to recognize students belonging to their school. It also makes it somewhat tougher for those that don't belong to slip in; unless, of course, they go to all the trouble of buying a uniform that fits.

2. A school uniform also saves the school administrators from having to police what the students wear. There are no daily battles regarding what's appropriate or not for school.

3. A school uniform apparently also saves students from putting their fashion tastes before their learning requirements. When they don't have to spend time wondering what to wear and how to make a fashion statement, they can devote more time to getting an ecation. Theoretically, that is.

4. Wearing the same type of dress reces social snobbery and peer pressure in ecational institutions. It is also supposed to rece incidents of bullying and theft. How do you pick on someone for wearing the same dress as yourself? Why would you steal a pair of shoes you both have and can afford? I suppose there are ways and there are reasons, but fewer.

5. School uniforms cramp the style of gang members. They have to recognize each other by names and faces instead of by flaunting aggressively painted jackets, T-shirts with obscene messages, clunky jewelry, and things like that. Instead of 'my gang' and 'your gang', they also have to think in terms of 'our school'. It's a hard life. On the brighter side, it helps them to live another day and go on to survive in college.

6. A school uniform can instill a sense of discipline and community feeling. This naturally reces incidents of violence. Students can come to school without worrying about personal safety. Teachers don't have to double as guards, and can concentrate on teaching.
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