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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 23:46



热心网友 时间:2023-12-24 00:35

1.The weather in China is quite different from here to there. At north-east, it is very cold, people need to wear warm clothes. But in Southern, it is warm, we don't need thick clothes. At Chongqing and Wuhan, the temperature is very hot. Beijing is also hot, but it dosen't last for long.
2.There're apple trees in many places in China. Many good apples are from Hebei and Shandong. Many people like the apples from Yantai. Some places manufacture apple juice, but it is not a kind of popular drink.
3. Many people like read Beijing Evening Paper. The newspaper is not very thick, it usually has 16 pages. There're home news, international news and local news on it. Men usually like read sports news and ladies like read the news about clothes. And there are many advertisements on it.
4.There many kinds of medicines. Some of them are for cold, some are for headache. Some medicines make people want to sleep, and others make you excited. Some people take many pills, but medicines are not always good for healthy.
5.Some girls bant. They eat nothing for breakfast except for an apple and a cup of coffee. At lunchtime they only have some salad, and their supper are also very simple. Maybe the weight of their body is lighter, but it is not good for their healthy. Many people know the best way is don't eat too much and take more exercise. The girls and have some steak, some eggs, but they shouldn't eat too much.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-24 00:35

1.The weather of the our country everyplace contain very big dissimilarity.Very cold in the northeast winter.The people need wear thick and warm

But, south winter geniality in the 华 , the people do not need the very thick clothes.At heavy celebrate and Wuhan, the summer is very hot.

In the summer of Peking also hot.But time is short.

2. All have the apple tree in many places of our country.The river north and Shandongs proce the good apple.The many peoples all like

The apple of the smoke pedestal.Peking also proces a lot of apples.The some places proces the apple juice, but the apple juice is not just the person

Favorite beverage.

3. The many people likes to read 《 evening newspaper of Peking 》 .The evening newspaper is usually not thick, only 16 pages.Have the new domestic up

Smell( the home news) and international news.Still have many local news( the local news).The man likes to read the athletics

News, the woman likes to read the news concerning clothing.Plenty more advertisement on the report.

4. Have the medicine slice of various each kind now.A hour of some medicines cures a cold of, the medicine slice that have cures the headache.Have

Of the medicine slice is to sleep well of, the medicine slice that have is to make the person excited.Some persons eat a lot of medicines slice( take), but medicine

Slice to the person not always have the advantage.

5. Some girl's sons diet.Breakfast what all not eat, eat an apple only, drink one cup coffee.The lunch is only

Eat some colors pull.The supper is also easy.Their weight eased, but, this to their health but didn't

Have the advantage.Now the many people knew that best method still little eat many 锻炼s.They can eat the steak, also

Can eat the egg, but shouldn't eat too many.

1.The weather in China is quite different from here to there. At north-east, it is very cold, people need to wear warm clothes. But in Southern, it is warm, we don't need thick clothes. At Chongqing and Wuhan, the temperature is very hot. Beijing is also hot, but it ...


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