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沙尘暴如何形成 英语作文60词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 15:41



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 19:54

Sandstorm is bad for our health and affect our life.Do you know how it comes into being ?Now let me tell you.There used to be many trees in the forest.But many people cut down trees for wood and farmland.The forests have gone.When it rains or the wind blows,the earth is taken away.As a result, the forest has changed into desert.SO sandstorms come into being.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 19:55


The formation of the sandstorm to have the four conditions.
One is the st on the ground material. It is the material basis of form sandstorm.
2 it is winds. This is the power of the formation, is fundamental to the power of the sandstorm long-distance transport of guarantee.
Three is not stable air condition. This is an important local thermal conditions. Sandstorm occurs more often in the afternoon that incorporates the evening the importance of thermal condition.
Four is the dry weather environment. Born in the north of the sandstorm multiple spring, and rain after a period of time within a won't happen very good evidence is st storms.
The edge of the desert in the spring, e to long drought, and surface vegetation cover, when there is little wind comes on the surface of the earth is easy to be blowing st and sand, but e to lose move large particle size, is formed not easily movable (suspension movement, it is small particle material guarantee to lose the necessary conditions of long distance move), and therefore can not move long lost, this is far from the st in the st and rare only micrometeorology main reason. If the wind last time is very long, form the st suspended loads can be transported to a very far place, through which areas will appear sandstorm; When the winds weaken to certain degree, floating st will the landing, the st weather will appear. If the precipitation, can form the so-called "NiYu".
The formation process from the four conditions look, the loess plateau and vast desert and by the destruction of the human factors in the process of desertification is in the land of the north, at the end of the spring farming land and in the construction process of infrastructure (such as high speed road, etc.) for the st storm occurrence providing full source material; And the spring drought in the north, and the likelihood of the sandstorm strengthened; The winds generated is a complex phenomenon, mainly is the cold air activities or to the circulation of the regulatory role longitude results. This shows the generation of sandstorm is DuoZhong complex factors results of human activity on the natural world to disruption of the desertification intensifies, st storms happen to have an important role, and in recent years the global drought (the cause isn't yet known) abnormal weather phenomenon also to the st storm occurrence have played an important role. So that human activities for the generation of st storms only play a role, and can't say st storms are caused by human factors.
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