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求帮忙翻译有关michael jackson 舞蹈的介绍

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 03:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 11:42

Michael Jackson is the world's most powerful dance singer (note that not one). His dance talent is extremely strong, five years old when he can make spin around three laps to action. He saw Jackie Wilson and James Brown of the show, began to imitate their movement, and then on the stage are often play all kinds of dancing, he and Diana Ross together when the dance rehearsal, Diana Ross feel embarrassed that once, because he learn dance so quickly, Diana Ross also did not learn half hour, Michael has been able to skillfully jump out the entire dance. Michael Jackson proficient in the dance of the ten kinds, tap dance, like jazz dance, dance, samba, lock cowboy dance... All about is, of course, and he that to many people rushed to imitate the moon walk (the steps are not first, and let it MJ has spread around the world is MJ) and have personal invention patent 45 degrees tilt. His dance affected many singers and professional choreographer home, also constantly to be other areas BingWu champions of ice LuShenKe WangZiPu BingWu champions imitation and, at the same time, his great influence in the global popularization popping.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 11:42

Michael Jackson is a singer (note that not one of the of dance strongest in the world).His dance talent is very strong, can make the place the action of the rotating three times the age of five. He had seen the performance of Jackie Wilson and James Brown, began to imitate their actions, and later on the stage, often performing a variety of dance, when he and Diana Ross rehearsal dance once, Diana Ross, feel embarrassed, because he learned dance too fast, and Diana Ross also did not learn half, Michael has been able to skillfully out of the whole dance. Michael Jackson is fluent in half a dozen dance like tap, jazz, jive, samba, lock dance ... all come in handy, of course, as well as his make imitated by countless people walk on the moon (which kinds of dance MJ is not the first, but it swept the world is MJ) and 45 degree tilt with indivial invention patents. The impact of the many singers and professional choreographer for his dance, but also continue to imitate the other areas of ice prince ice dancing champion Plushenko and other ice dancing champion, his enormous influence in the world, popularized popping.
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