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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 11:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 04:20

1. 以“埃博拉”写一篇英语作文100字

Ebola virus diseaseEbola virus disease (EVD is a disease of humans and other primates caused by ebola viruses. Signs and symptoms typically start beeen o days and three weeks after contracting the virus as a fever, sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches. Then, vomiting, diarrhea and rash usually follow, along with decreased function of the liver and kidneys. At this time some people begin to bleed both internally and externally. The disease has a high risk of death, killing beeen 25 percent and 90 percent of those infected with the virus, averaging out at 50 percent. This is often e to low blood pressure from fluid loss, and typically follows six to sixteen days after symptoms appear。

2. fight virus We can英语作文

What should we do to fight virus.? Here is my advice . Firstly ,don't go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus can be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if you have to go out, you must wear a breathing mask to protect yourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We should wash hands often. It's wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we are supposed to exercise as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we find that we have a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, If we pay attention to these suggestions and do like these, we can prevent and beat the disease.。

3. 写一篇关于机器人的作文,急啊

The advantages and disadvantages of Robots

Robots has many advantages, so they are more and more popular now. A robot can help you do housework, such as washing, cooking or cleaning. So you can have more free time to do your won hobbies.

However, every coin has o sides. Robots also have disadvantages. For example, if it catches a virus, it will cause a lot of trouble. Maybe it will pour your breakfast into the washing machine or it may throw your shirt into the stbin. Moreover, robots are expensive now. Maybe a family can't afford it.

In my opinion, with the development of science, robots will be cheaper and better. I believe some day robots will be as popular as the puter.


4. 英语写作

1983年11月3日美国计算机专家首次提出了计算机病毒的概念并进行了验证。几年前计算机病毒就迅速蔓延, 到我国才是近年来的事。而这几年正是我国微型计算机普及应用热潮。微机的广泛普及, 操作系统简单明了, 软、硬件透明度高, 基本上没有什么安全措施, 能够透彻了解它内部结构的用户日益增多, 对其存在的缺点和易攻击处也了解的越来越清楚, 不同的目的可以做出截然不同的选择。目前, 在ibm pc系统及其兼容机上广泛流行着各种病毒就很说明这个问题。


1987年,计算机病毒主要是引导型病毒,具有代表性的是“小球”和“石头”病毒。当时的计算机硬件较少,功能简单,一般需要通过软盘启动后使用.引导型病毒利用软盘的启动原理工作,它们修改系统启动扇区,在计算机启动时首先取得控制权,减少系统内存,修改磁盘读写中断,影响系统工作效率,在系统存取磁盘时进行传播.1989年,引导型病毒发展为可以感染硬盘,典型的代表有“石头2”。 dos可执行阶段1989年,可执行文件型病毒出现,它们利用dos系统加载执行文件的机制工作,代表为“耶路撒冷”,“星期天”病毒,病毒代码在系统执行文件时取得控制权,修改dos中断,在系统调用时进行传染,并将自己附加在可执行文件中,使文件长度增加。1990年,发展为复合型病毒,可感染 和exe文件。伴随,批次型阶段1992年,伴随型病毒出现,它们利用dos加载文件的优先顺序进行工作,具有代表性的是“金蝉”病毒,它感染exe文件时生成一个和 exe同名但扩展名为的伴随体;它感染文件时,改原来的文件为同名的exe文件,再产生一个原名的伴随体,文件扩展名为,这样,在 dos加载文件时,病毒就取得控制权.这类病毒的特点是不改变原来的文件内容,日期及属性,解除病毒时只要将其伴随体删除即可。在非dos操作系统中,一些伴随型病毒利用操作系统的描述语言进行工作,具有典型代表的是“海盗旗”病毒,它在得到执行时,询问用户名称和口令,然后返回一个出错信息,将自身删除。批次型病毒是工作在dos下的和“海盗旗”病毒类似的一类病毒。幽灵,多形阶段1994年,随着汇编语言的发展,实现同一功能可以用不同的方式进行完成,这些方式的组合使一段看似随机的代码产生相同的运算结果。幽灵病毒就是利用这个特点,每感染一次就产生不同的代码。例如“一半”病毒就是产生一段有上亿种可能的解码运算程序,病毒体被隐藏在解码前的数据中,查解这类病毒就必须能对这段数据进行解码,加大了查毒的难度。多形型病毒是一种综合性病毒,它既能感染引导区又能感染程序区,多数具有解码算法,一种病毒往往要两段以上的子程序方能解除。生成器,变体机阶段1995年,在汇编语言中,一些数据的运算放在不同的通用寄存器中,可运算出同样的结果,随机的插入一些空操作和无关指令,也不影响运算的结果,这样,一段解码算法就可以由生成器生成,当生成器的生成结果为病毒时,就产生了这种复杂的“病毒生成器” ,而变体机就是增加解码复杂程度的指令生成机制。这一阶段的典型代表是“病毒制造机” vcl,它可以在瞬间制造出成千上万种不同的病毒,查解时就不能使用传统的特征识别法,需要在宏观上分析指令,解码后查解病毒。网络,蠕虫阶段1995年,随着网络的普及,病毒开始利用网络进行传播,它们只是以上几代病毒的改进.在非dos操作系统中,“蠕虫”是典型的代表,它不占用除内存以外的任何资源,不修改磁盘文件,利用网络功能搜索网络地址,将自身向下一地址进行传播,有时也在网络服务器和启动文件中存在。视窗阶段1996年,随着windows和windows95的日益普及,利用windows进行工作的病毒开始发展,它们修改(ne,pe)文件,典型的代表是ds.3873,这类病毒的机制更为复杂,它们利用保护模式和api调用接口工作,解除方法也比较复杂。宏病毒阶段1996年,随着windows word功能的增强,使用word宏语言也可以编制病毒,这种病毒使用类basic语言,编写容易,感染word文档等文件,在excel和amipro 出现的相同工作机制的病毒也归为此类,由于word文档格式没有公开,这类病毒查解比较困难互连网阶段1997年,随着因特网的发展,各种病毒也开始利用因特网进行传播,一些携带病毒的数据包和邮件越来越多,如果不小心打开了这些邮件,机器就有可能中毒. 爪哇(java),邮件*阶段1997年,随着万维网(wold wide web)上java的普及,利用java语言进行传播和资料获取的病毒开始出现,典型的代表是javasnake病毒,还有一些利用邮件服务器进行传播和破坏的病毒,例如mail-bomb病毒,它会严重影响因特网的效率。

5. 怎样预防H1N1病毒

Swine flu has yet to escalate into a global pandemic, but here's what to do if it does 5 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Others) from Swine Flu Experts say that the steps you should take to shield yourself from swine flu are not much different than those you might take to ward off seasonal flu。

1. Don't touch your face Above all, keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose, all of which serve as pathways for the virus to enter your respiratory tract, says Allison Aiello, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor。 2. Wash your hands If you must touch your face, scrub your hands, getting under the fingernails and inside all crevices, for 20 to 30 seconds with hot soap and water beforehand, Aiello says. "In addition to dislodging dirt that may contain virus particles, soaps contain surfactants [the primary ponents of detergents] which can damage the lipid [fat] protecting virus particles," she explains. Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses。

3. Use a hand sanitizer No sink nearby? Then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Aiello advises. About a quarter-size spot, rubbed all over the hands until the sanitizer evaporates (usually 10 to 15 seconds), should do it. Alcohol can inactivate viruses by destroying the structure of their proteins, she notes。 4. Cover your nose and mouth When someone sneezes or coughs, liquid droplets packing flu viruses can travel as far as three feet (one meter) through the air and descend on your nose or mouth, so it's best to maintain at least an arm's-length distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and clean your hands afterward, she says, noting that viruses can remain infectious for hours, if not longer, when they linger on the skin or other surfaces such as keyboards and subway poles。

5. Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future From press photos, it seems that Mexico's entire population has donned surgical masks, but the verdict is still out on how effective they are in stemming the spread of flu, according to Aiello. Some research suggests that masks—either the surgical variety or respirators called N95's specially designed to filter out water droplets containing viruses—rece the risk of contracting the flu or other respiratory pathogens by as much as 80 percent, but research by Aiello's team suggests that masks do little unless used in conjunction with diligent hand washing。 According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is "extremely limited" data on the effectiveness of face masks and respirators for blocking flu spread in munities. The agency suggests, however, that people consider using them when it's impossible to avoid "crowded settings or close contact with others" in areas where swine flu tran *** ission has been confirmed: face masks for crowded places and respirators for situations that involve close contact with people who have respiratory infections (caring for a sick family member, for example)。

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