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The Doobie Brothers的《Dangerous》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 04:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:01

歌手:The Doobie Brothers

Dangerous--Kardinal Offishall&Akon
Girl I can't notice but to
Notice you, noticin me
From across the room, I can see it
And can't stop myself from lookin and
Noticin you, noticin me
Watch out I've seen her type before
That girl is so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! I've seen her type before
She's so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! Yeahh
Whoahhh! An' yeah that's her
The big dog tryin to get her little kitty to purr
Ex-man lookin at me like I'm Lucifer
Cause he knows how I deal with the case YES SIR!
If I was the last man on Earth
I would only take that girl in to search
She give a new definition to the word curve
Got chicks in the strip club envyin her
Body's like weapons of mass eruptions
Sit her glass on that fat obstruction
Tongue game give a new type section
I'm tryin to give that girl somethin, JAH!!
Girl I can't notice but to
Notice you, noticin me
From across the room, I can see it
And can't stop myself from lookin and
Noticin you, noticin me
Watch out I've seen her type before
That girl is so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! I've seen her type before
She's so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! Yeahh
Whoahhh! Bad to the bone
Everything locked like a two three zone
I wanted to make my "Black Snake Moan"
Talk a likkle bit then take that home
She bad and she know the deal
That's what I can't hide when she wanna conceal
I mean Meagan Good and Halle Berry
put together together ain't close to the dribby I see
No, no~! No disrespect
But this gyal upon another level, cut the check
Tell King, Max stop the press
Say kid, can I get a witness?
Girl I can't notice but to
Notice you, noticin me
From across the room, I can see it
And can't stop myself from lookin and
Noticin you, noticin me
Watch out I've seen her type before
That girl is so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! I've seen her type before
She's so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! Yeahh
I see you got that fire
By the way that you walkin (walkin)
From left to right I watched her go down
Girl I just want it right now
Don't wanna do no talkin (talkin)
Shorty's so right I need to slow down
Figure eight, good body shape
When she on the dance floor, gyal dem irate
When she do her t'ing man can't walk straight
That biscuit fi soak up e'ry-t'ing on her plate
Bad heels like Jessica Peete
I'm tryin to give homegirl Sex and the City-titty
Itty bitty waistline, moves with the baseline
One lick of punch, I'm fine - JAH!
Girl I can't notice but to
Notice you, noticin me
From across the room, I can see it
And can't stop myself from lookin and
Noticin you, noticin me
Watch out I've seen her type before
That girl is so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! I've seen her type before
She's so dangerous, that girl is so DANGEROUS
That girl is a BAD GIRL~!! Yeahh

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