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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 13:51



热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 05:18

《忍者龙剑传:西格玛2》全奖杯列表 Learned the Reverse Wind (铜杯)Successfully perform the Reverse Wind technique修得里风Learned the Furious Wind (铜杯)Successfully perform the Furious Wind technique修得风驱Learned the Shadowless Footsteps (铜杯)Successfully perform the Shadowless Footsteps technique修得罗刹斩Learned the Flying Swallow (铜杯)Successfully perform the Flying Swallow technique修得飞燕Learned the Flying Bird Flip (铜杯)Successfully perform the Flying Bird Flip technique修得飞鸟返Learned the Obliteration Technique (铜杯)Successfully perform the Obliteration Technique修得终结技Learned the Ultimate Technique (铜杯)Successfully perform the Ultimate Technique修得蓄力Learned the Ultimate Guidance (铜杯)Successfully perform the Ultimate Guidance technique修得终结技Learned to the Counter Attack (铜杯)Successfully perform the Counter Attack technique修得反击Learned the Unrivaled Soaring (铜杯)Successfully perform the Unrivaled Soaring technique修得滑行Learned The Invisible Path(铜杯)Successfully perform the Invisible Path technique修得隠形Learned the Izuna Drop (铜杯)Successfully perform the Izuna Drop technique修得饭落钢Learned the Guillotine Throw (铜杯)Successfully perform the Guillotine Throw technique修得投技Learned the Art of the Inferno (铜杯)Successfully perform the Art of the Inferno Ninpo修得火忍法Learned the Art of the Wind Blades (铜杯)Successfully perform the Art of the Wind Blades Ninpo修得风忍法Learned the Art of the Flame Phoenix (铜杯)Successfully perform the Art of the Flame Phoenix Ninpo修得火凤凰Learned the Art of the Piercing Void (铜杯)Successfully perform the Art of the Piercing Void Ninpo修得黑龙波Feat of a Hundred Slashes (铜杯)Achieve a 100-hit combo with any weapon连100招Feat of a Thousand Obliterations (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies unsing Obliteration Techniques使用终结技杀敌1000人Feat of Ultimate Destruction (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies using Ultimate Techniques使用蓄力ET或UT杀敌1000人Izuna Drop Master (铜杯)Successfully use the Izuna Drop on 1000 enemies使用饭落钢杀敌1000人Guillotine Throw Master (铜杯)Successfully use the Guillotine Throw on 1000 enemies使用投技杀敌1000人Dragon Sword Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dragon Sword使用龙剣杀敌1000人Lunar Staff Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Lunar Staff使用对应武器杀敌1000人Falcon's Talons Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Falcon's Talons使用对应武器杀敌1000人Dual Katana (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dual Katana使用对应武器杀敌1000人Kusari-gama master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Kusari-gama使用对应武器杀敌1000人Eclipse Scythe Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Eclipse Scythe使用对应武器杀敌1000人Tonfa Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Tonfa使用对应武器杀敌1000人Vigoorian Flail Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Vigoorian Flail使用对应武器杀敌1000人Enma's Fang Master (铜杯)Defeat 1000 enemies with the Enma's Fang使用对应武器杀敌1000人Ultimate Ninpo Master (铜杯)Chant 100 Ultimate Ninpo spells使用双人忍法100次Rescued 100 ninja (铜杯)Rescue 100 people in need救人100次All missions successfully completed (金杯)Successfully complete all missions完全所有任务白金难度非常高,祝楼主早日白金
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