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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 13:59



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 23:30

if i were a teacher
I think it’s too tired to be a teacher, however, it’s a good job.
If I were a teacher, I’d check my students’ homework every day. Because if a student didn’t do homework every day, he or she would be lazy and it’s really a bad habit.
And if I found someone had serious problems, I’d talk with them and tell their parents. If I couldn’t solve those problems, I’d ask other teachers for help. I need more advice on how to teach students.
Of course, I’d sleep more on weekend. And I like shopping. If I had free time, I’d go shopping with my friends.
If I had more time, I’d visit my students’ families. Because I think I should pay more attention on my students.
I’d learn some good ways from other teachers to teach my students better. Students need study, I also need study.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 23:31

if i were a teacher
I think it’s too tired to be a teacher, however, it’s a good job.
If I were a teacher, I’d check my students’ homework every day. Because if a student didn’t do homework every day, he or she would be lazy and it’s really a bad habit.
And if I found someone had serious problems, I’d talk with them and tell their parents. If I couldn’t solve those problems, I’d ask other teachers for help. I need more advice on how to teach students.
Of course, I’d sleep more on weekend. And I like shopping. If I had free time, I’d go shopping with my friends.
If I had more time, I’d visit my students’ families. Because I think I should pay more attention on my students.
I’d learn some good ways from other teachers to teach my students better. Students need study, I also need study.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 23:31

if i were a teacher
I think it’s too tired to be a teacher, however, it’s a good job.
If I were a teacher, I’d check my students’ homework every day. Because if a student didn’t do homework every day, he or she would be lazy and it’s really a bad habit.
And if I found someone had serious problems, I’d talk with them and tell their parents. If I couldn’t solve those problems, I’d ask other teachers for help. I need more advice on how to teach students.
Of course, I’d sleep more on weekend. And I like shopping. If I had free time, I’d go shopping with my friends.
If I had more time, I’d visit my students’ families. Because I think I should pay more attention on my students.
I’d learn some good ways from other teachers to teach my students better. Students need study, I also need study.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 23:31

if i were a teacher
I think it’s too tired to be a teacher, however, it’s a good job.
If I were a teacher, I’d check my students’ homework every day. Because if a student didn’t do homework every day, he or she would be lazy and it’s really a bad habit.
And if I found someone had serious problems, I’d talk with them and tell their parents. If I couldn’t solve those problems, I’d ask other teachers for help. I need more advice on how to teach students.
Of course, I’d sleep more on weekend. And I like shopping. If I had free time, I’d go shopping with my friends.
If I had more time, I’d visit my students’ families. Because I think I should pay more attention on my students.
I’d learn some good ways from other teachers to teach my students better. Students need study, I also need study.
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