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作文翻译。解题者定给好评——急急急急! 内容如下:

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 10:42



热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 02:42

Lunar New Year's Daystorytoday,in accordance withthe customs,isto see grandmagrandpaday.The weatheris asfinejust like yesterday,butthe mood is verydepressed.Aroadwithoutstop,went straight to the destination.Itemhas beenwaiting to beused intheready.Whenpeople havecome together,each person'seyeisYu color,butcompared to last year'scry,really is makes oneseesad.Came tograndmagrandpagrave,theystilllaughing.Look atmy grandmothergrandpaas in the pastsmiling face,Bacilluslonglookedgrave,and thenhave a lookandnot manysadlook,the heart asigh.The passage of time,people have changed...

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 02:42

The story of LunarNew Year’s first day. In accordance with customs, today is the day we will goto see my grandma and grandpa. Weather was just as good as Yesterday, but mymood was not good. We went straight to our designation without any break. Allthe stuffs which we would use had been prepared by somebody else. When I arrivedat cemetery, all others people were already there, everyone looks a little sad,but comparing last year, it truly makes people sad. When we came to the frondof graves of grandma and grandpa, people were still talking and laughing. Saw thesmile pictures of grandma and grandpa and the long withered grass at front ofgraves, and saw the face of people without much sadness, I sighed with emotion: Time goes, object no change, people change.
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