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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 13:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 21:00

I did not exist to write poems, to preach or to paint, neither I nor anyone else. All of that was incidental. Each man had only one genuine vocation--to find the way to himself. He might end up as poet or madman, as prophet or criminal--that was not his affair, ultimately it was of no concern. His task was to discover his own destiny--not an arbitrary one--and live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one's own inwardness.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 21:00

"I often imagine the next scene, he might be a dream role, perhaps a poet, prophet, painter and so on. But these are nothing. I exist is not to write poetry, prophecy, or painting, any person the meaning of life should not be these. These are just an offshoot of parts. for everyone, the real responsibility is only one: to find self. regardless of his destination was the poet or a madman, a prophet or a criminal - they are in fact nothing to do with him , not important. His ty is only to find their own destiny - not the fate of others - and then stick in the minds of his life, dedicated, stand still. all the other way is not complete, is one way of escape , is the weakness of mass return of the ideal, is the drift, is the fear. "

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 21:01

"I often fantasy future sights, dreams of self may become role, maybe a poet, the prophet, artists, etc. However, these were nothing. I the meaning of existence is not to write poems, prophecy or painting, anyone survival significance should not is these. These just outside branches small for everybody. People, the real responsibility is only one: find ourselves. Whatever he is a poet of end-result or lunatics, is a prophet or criminals - these actually has nothing to do with him, not important. His ty was to find their own destiny - rather than others - then in the heart of the fate of life, adhere to the soul, never ceasing. All the other way is not complete, it is a person of escape, is to the public the ideal cowardly regression, are carried, is to fears."

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 21:01

the prophet, artists, etc. However, these were nothing. I the meaning of existence is not to write poems, prophecy or painting, anyone survival significance should not is these. These just outside branches small for everybody. People, the real responsibility is only one: find ourselves. Whatever he is a poet of end-result or lunatics, is a prophet or criminals - these actually has nothing to do with him, not important. His ty was to find their own destiny - rather than others - then in the heart of the fate of life, adhere to the soul, never ceasing. All the other way is not complete, it is a person of escape, is to the public the ideal cowardly regression, are carried, is to fears."
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