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the most thing in my life三分钟。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 05:35



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 17:11


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 17:11

  The most important thing in my life: honesty
  Being honest is the best way to keep one’s heart in the right place. In other words, an open-minded man derives the full benefit from truthful speech, upright actions and an honest habit of thinking. If adopted to measure the people from different lines, however, honesty conveys more concrete senses.
  A businessman’s honest lies in whether he plays fair in all his dealings. The more unfair advantage he takes of his customers, the less honesty there is left in him. Honest in a doctor is his bounden ty to put humanitarianism above every thing else. On this promise, even if he has lied many times to benefit his patients—to speed recovery or conceal the approach of death, he is still an honest man free of bad taste. With a civil servant in our country, honesty refers to refraining from graft and corruption. This is because not a few people are still unwilling to break away from this greed, let alone woke as public servants who are popular with the people.
  As far as a college student is concerned, honesty means seeking as much truth from his moral development as from his academic success. By social standards of the day, an honest-to-goodness graate is of more value to social than one who is long on brains but short on morality. In brief, whatever career I follow, honesty, truly weighed up in my mind, can show me how to conct myself in my life.
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