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中译英 希望各位大虾帮忙

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 05:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 00:45

The Ru Gen living the grass food monster for the sea.

It distribute to distribute with the seaweed of water temperature, ocean current and conct and actions main food germane.

Much appear and disappear in Be 20 meters apart from the coast the or so seaweed cluster, sometimes get into river mouth with the tidewater, take food empress again with at low ebb return to sea in, seldom visit outwardly sea.

The skin of the Ru Gen(include other sea cow) can make Ge, the flavor fresh United States of the meat, nourishment abundant, win beef.


The oil is a valuable medicine material, with cod-liver mutually

, Tuberculosis the sufferer or physically weak take, curative effect rather good.

Chi and bone can make the substitute of ivory carvings.


All of the whole body of Ru Gens are a treasure, so is caught rather

Many, get close to destroy completely, need to add a protection.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 00:45

Rugen for marine herbivorous mammals. And the distribution of water temperature, currents, as well as major food distribution closely related to the seagrass. In more than about 20 metres from the coast of seaweed forest setting, sometimes with the tide into the estuary, and then feeding the tide back to the sea, rarely travelled outside the sea.

Rugen (including other manatees) Paper can be leather, meat taste delicious, nutrient-rich, Shengsi beef. Oil is a valuable medicinal herbs, and cod liver phase

Like, lung or infirm patients taking effect quite well. Teeth and bones can be a substitute for ivory carvings. Rugen-are systemic, arrested:

, The brink of extinction, to increase protection.
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