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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 03:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:34

Dedicated staff of the state-owned enterprises study

In recent years, with the deepening of China's market economy development, and management of state-owned enterprises graally revealed defects, and the growing problem of the brain drain is constraining the sustainable development of enterprises, greatly weakened the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises in the fierce competition in the market at a disadvantage. Attaches great importance to the brain drain of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises to strengthen the dedicated staff, and staff loyalty for enterprise effectiveness, and is related to state-owned enterprises continue to develop and grow a major issue. Employees of state-owned enterprises and the dedication of the proposed countermeasures, have important theoretical value and practical significance. This paper dedicated staff of the state-owned enterprises of the main line, in defining their jobs, training, and several dedicated core of the concept on the basis of in-depth state-owned enterprises on the current performance of dedicated staff and its impact. This article holds that the existence of the governments in state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and other types of non-state-owned enterprises of the non-compete on an equal footing, which are the cause of state-owned enterprises no dedicated staff of the institutional factors, state-owned enterprise management in the selection and appointment of the management staff mechanism unreasonable, staff incentive mechanism is inadequate and fails to establish an effective evaluation system, the absence of a reasonable salary structure, the staff failed to establish long-term career development planning is a fundamental reason for the brain drain; indivial factors, and personnel access to state-owned enterprises the motive, age, job satisfaction, and other closely related. To effectively address the problem, the paper proposed an innovative way to use the scientific development concept as a guide, a multi-level, multi-angle, many state-owned enterprises solve the problem of dedicated employees with the overall plan, and, accordingly propose effective solutions, state-owned enterprises to promote the further development and growth.

Dedication, loyalty, pay

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:34

A dedicated staff of the research enterprise

In recent years, with the deepening of China's market economy development, and management of state-owned enterprises graally revealed defects, and the growing problem of the brain drain is constraining the sustainable development of enterprises, greatly weakened the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises in the fierce competition in the market at a disadvantage. Attaches great importance to the brain drain of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises to strengthen the dedicated staff, and staff loyalty for enterprise effectiveness, and is related to state-owned enterprises continue to develop and grow a major issue. Employees of state-owned enterprises and the dedication of the proposed countermeasures, have important theoretical value and practical significance. This paper dedicated staff of the state-owned enterprises of the main line, in defining their jobs, training, and several dedicated core of the concept on the basis of in-depth state-owned enterprises on the current performance of dedicated staff and its impact. This article holds that the existence of the governments in state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and other types of non-state-owned enterprises of the non-compete on an equal footing, which are the cause of state-owned enterprises no dedicated staff of the institutional factors, state-owned enterprise management in the selection and appointment of the management staff mechanism unreasonable, staff incentive mechanism is inadequate and fails to establish an effective evaluation system, the absence of a reasonable salary structure, the staff failed to establish long-term career development planning is a fundamental reason for the brain drain; indivial factors, and personnel access to state-owned enterprises the motive, age, job satisfaction, and other closely related. To effectively address the problem, the paper proposed an innovative way to use the scientific development concept as a guide, a multi-level, multi-angle, many state-owned enterprises solve the problem of dedicated employees with the overall plan, and, accordingly propose effective solutions, state-owned enterprises to promote the further development and growth.

Dedication, loyalty, pay

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:35


A dedicated staff of the research enterprise

In recent years, with the deepening of China's market economy development, and management of state-owned enterprises graally revealed defects, and the growing problem of the brain drain is constraining the sustainable development of enterprises, greatly weakened the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises in the fierce competition in the market at a disadvantage. Attaches great importance to the brain drain of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises to strengthen the dedicated staff, and staff loyalty for enterprise effectiveness, and is related to state-owned enterprises continue to develop and grow a major issue. Employees of state-owned enterprises and the dedication of the proposed countermeasures, have important theoretical value and practical significance. This paper dedicated staff of the state-owned enterprises of the main line, in defining their jobs, training, and several dedicated core of the concept on the basis of in-depth state-owned enterprises on the current performance of dedicated staff and its impact. This article holds that the existence of the governments in state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and other types of non-state-owned enterprises of the non-compete on an equal footing, which are the cause of state-owned enterprises no dedicated staff of the institutional factors, state-owned enterprise management in the selection and appointment of the management staff mechanism unreasonable, staff incentive mechanism is inadequate and fails to establish an effective evaluation system, the absence of a reasonable salary structure, the staff failed to establish long-term career development planning is a fundamental reason for the brain drain; indivial factors, and personnel access to state-owned enterprises the motive, age, job satisfaction, and other closely related. To effectively address the problem, the paper proposed an innovative way to use the scientific development concept as a guide, a multi-level, multi-angle, many state-owned enterprises solve the problem of dedicated employees with the overall plan, and, accordingly propose effective solutions, state-owned enterprises to promote the further development and growth.

Dedication, loyalty, pay。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:36

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