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Sometimes Love Just Ain'T Enough 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 08:23



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:34

歌曲名:Sometimes Love Just Ain'T Enough
歌手:Patty Smyth
专辑:Patty Smyth

Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
I don't wanna lose you,
but I don't wanna use you
just to have somebody by my side.
And I don't wanna hate you,
I don't wanna take you,
but I don't wanna be the one to cry.
And that don't really matter
to anyone anymore.
But like a fool I keep losing my place
and I keep seeing you walk through that door.
But there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know
it's your heart you can't trust.
There's a reason why people
don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.
Now, I could never change you,
I don't wanna blame you.
Baby, you don't have to take the fall.
Yes, I may have hurt you,
but I did not desert you.
Maybe I just wanna have it all.
It makes a sound like thunder,
it makes me feel like rain.
And like a fool who will never see the truth,
I keep thinking something's gonna change.
But there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know
it's your heart you can't trust.
There's a reason why people
don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.
And there's no way home,
when it's late at night and you're all alone.
Are there things that you wanted to say?
do you feel me beside you in your bed,
there beside you, where I used to lay?
And there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.
There's a reason why people don't stay who they are.
Baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.
Baby, sometimes, love...
it just ain't enough.

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