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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 06:52



热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 09:07

This mod have many features, like:Vehicle markers (formerly OverTargetMarkers) Disable Postmortem Panel Vehicle Icons Mirroring Controlling Players Panel Controlling (width, transparency, content) Clock in battle loading screen Player/clan icon Vehicle icon sets In-game players rating (xvm-full packages only)
Installation:1. You must be correctly installed Microsoft. NET Framework 2.02. You need to download and (one time!) To install the libary Dokan and restart the computer if you have not done this before.3. Unzip the archive into the game folder.4. Create a configuration file "XVM.xvmconf" in the res_mods\0.7.x\gui\flash folder.For example, you can use one of the user config from xvm-doc\samples\User configsor use the online generator.You can also do it manually: in \xvm-doc\samples\Full config EN\XVM.xvmconf signed comments to the options.
To start the game with full version of the file you should run wot-xvm-proxy.exe from the root of the game. If you want to run the game through the launcher, run the file with key /launcher: wot-xvm-proxy.exe /launcher for example
. To view the replay, you must run the file wot-xvm-proxy.exe name_of_replay.wotreplay To simplify the start - you can make the necessary shortcuts on the desktop.
Project Siteauthors: sirmax2, iBat.support: EN, RU
Position of WG on mods with statisticsThe administration of the project "World of Tanks" does not prohibit the use of third-party modifications, but does not recommend using them. Unofficial modifications may damage the operation of the client, which can lead to serious consequences player gameplay.
Do not use this mod for interpersonal phallometric!
p.s. sorry for my google translate English.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 09:08

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