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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 13:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:39

希望能帮到你Is it Rat or Mouse?
The Chinese word 鼠 can refer to either rat or mouse - there are no distinctive words for them. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts depicted a common look of the two, or some look more like rat and others more like mouse. So the English translation “Rat” or “Mouse” is fine either way as both are common unisex nouns. We use “Rat” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.

Is it Ox or Cow?
Similar to “Rat or Mouse” above, the Chinese word 牛 can refer to water buffalo, cattle, ox, etc. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts often showed water buffalo as it was a common livestock in ancient central China, or sometimes it showed ox or cattle. We use “Ox” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.

Is it Sheep, Goat or Ram?
Chinese word 羊 does not mean “goat” or “sheep” specifically. Goat was commonly illustrated in the Chinese Zodiac scripts, but modern zodiac books depict Sheep more often. We use “Sheep” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac. Goat is fine too, but Ram is not recommended as it refers to male sheep.

Is it Rooster or Chicken?
Although the Chinese word 鸡 (chicken) is a generic, unisex noun, the illustrations in Chinese Zodiac scripts always showed a male chicken, i.e., rooster. This is the only exception of all 12 Zodiac animals, possibly because rooster’s crown depicts chicken more distinctively so it is not mistaken for other birds. So We use “Rooster” on this site.

Is it Pig or Boar?
Pig is a commonly used unisex term, whereas Boar is a male pig. So, it is a no-brainer, “Pig”.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:40

cat is a small animal with soft fur.People often keep it as a pet.Cats catch mice. Dog is a animal with four legs and a tail. It often works for people.monkey is a animal with a long tail and can climb trees.tiger is a large wild animal of the cat family.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:40


The dog is one of the most popular pets in the world. It ordinarily remains loyal to a considerate master, and because of this the dog has been called man's best friend. Class distinctions between people have no part in a dog's life. It can be a faithful companion to either rich or poor.


I have a little cat , a beautiful cat named Kitty. Her big and bright eyes leave a deep impression on anyone who sees her. Kitty is covered with fur. Kitty always sleeps on my bed. Sometimes she jumps on the top of the cabinet. What a wonderful picture it was !

Golden rooster

The golden rooster whole body feather color is gorgeous, the gloss shines, likely has put on a magnificent and expensive formal dress.In addition,the golden rooster has the symmetrical build, the vigorous both feet, Dai Huangguan, the pate is decorating the collar golden yellow, two shoulders have the golden light bright shawl.

A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:41

桃李芬芳的近义词是? 请会答正确。 急... 墨西哥很混乱吗 为什么我的OPPOR9手机连接到任何蓝牙设备放歌曲,都没有办法在蓝牙设备... OPPOA9如何连接酷狗与手机蓝牙? 华为荣耀3X 白色畅玩版的声音调至最大声仍很小声 荣耀3x刷机后卸载了一些系统软件,然后就无法开机,一直停留在开机界面... 平安富赢金生年金保险值得买吗?最全产品测评! 收音机音量旋钮音量最大还是小 德生pl_450收音机音量电位器声音惑大惑小,电位器的型号是什么_百度知 ... 浙江金融学院有什么专业 有关动物的单词不少于40个 - 信息提示 man Chinese tooth child fish Woman deer sheep ox mouse 的复数形式 英语中的mouse泛指所有的鼠类动物吗 仓鼠算不算 processing语言编程作业 求解。怎么样黑眼珠跟着鼠标但只在白眼珠里活动? ox的复数初中生知道吗? 求鼠标特效FLASH!!! 急!!! ox的复数形式是什么 英语十二生肖填空。Mouse,ox,tiger,hare,dragon,snake,horse,sheep,monkey,cock,dog,pig. MOUSE是什么品牌的电脑 公牛ox的复数变化 连连看的连线 字母T开头的女英文名有哪些 须和烦组词? 含有T的英文名 烦字:组词,再造句 开头发音是[t]的英文和英文名 烦躁的烦的组词 帮我取个T开头的英文名 烦组词4字词语 ox与bull的区别? flash as3.0 textcolor=0x000000和textcolor=16743426 神仙水有多少毫升 神仙水skii瓶子的高度分别是多少厘米? skii神仙水250ml的是玻璃瓶还是塑料瓶 神仙水盒子多大 linux rm删除的数据能恢复吗 韩国sk2神仙水各个毫升价格是多少? sk2神仙水现在市面上还有哪几种规格在卖啊? sk2神仙水背面文字有几个版本 SK2神仙水为什么有的是玻璃瓶有的是塑料瓶?之前215ml是玻璃瓶,现在250ml是玻璃瓶,都是在 sk2神仙水怎么有一千还有几百 sk2神仙水,内地价格是多少?分别多少毫升呀? SK-ii有小瓶的水乳吗? 如何进行视频聊天? 孩子可以吃燕窝吗 燕窝小孩子4岁可以吃吗 红米4的跟红跟小米10,谁的性价比高 小米10再次降价,等等党大获全胜,现在还值得入手吗? 新乐xl与小米10哪个性价比高?