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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-07 00:30



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 18:36


Physical ecation is an ecational course that gives students sports knowledge, technology and skills, enhances students' physique and develops students' physical quality and sports ability. 


School physical ecation is an important aspect of carrying out the party's ecational policy. 


It is the need of students' all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor aspects. It is of great significance to cultivate all-round qualified talents.


First, long-term physical ecation study and conscious practice can enhance the physique and improve the health level. Strengthening physique and developing intelligence are inseparable. 


Good physical condition is the material basis for carrying out intellectual activities. When physique is strengthened, we can study energetically and master scientific knowledge effectively.


Second, the study of physical ecation, can make a large intensity of mental activity and physical activity alternately, play an effective regulatory role;


which is concive to the elimination of brain fatigue and improve the learning efficiency of other disciplines.


Third, the study of physical ecation, can better grasp the basic knowledge of sports health, scientific exercise skills and methods, so that children benefit for life.


Fourth, the study of physical ecation can make children receive good ecation in Ideological and moral aspects.


We should have the sense of social responsibility and group consciousness to exercise for the motherland and society, enhance the sense of organizational discipline and collective honor;


form the interest and habit of regular exercise, and exercise the spirit of bravery, tenacity, vigor and hard work.


Fifthly, physical ecation is mainly learning and practicing in the stadium, which can make children directly subject to various natural factors such as spring, summer, autumn and winter, sunshine, wind and rain;


and effectively improve their ability to adapt to the external environment and resist various diseases.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 18:37

The significance of physical ecation class
Chairmam Mao once said that civilization has its spirit, while barbarism has its body.It emphasized the importance of physical exercise. As teenagers in the new era, physical health is the foundation of learning.
Physical ecation plays an important role in improving physical fitness.Fisrtly,It can enhance one's physical fitness.Secondly,P.E helps to,enrich campus life and relieve academic pressure.Last but not least,It can enhance friendship between students and understand their characteristics.
Regarding how to ensure physical ecation classes, the country should introce regulations to ensure the learning standards of physical ecation classes. Schools should implement local policies and guidelines to ensure the teaching time of physical ecation classes. Teachers should implement physical ecation teaching work.
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