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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 19:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:27


Pink elephant
It was late one afternoon ,as the sun began to dive.
When the flower fell out within my hand from the deep velvet sky.
she is still there so fearing puring so please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you ,a flower from the sky.
She came to me with a joy, she took me by her hand.
We set out for our journey to a forever wonderous land.
A place where pink elephants still playing in the band.
She took me to her beautiful land.
Now I stood it in confusion and scare.
She began to rest and neat my foggy stain there and what they far from my mother so
please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you, a flower from the, come to you, a flower from the,
come to you, a flower from the sky.
And what they far from my mother so please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you, a flower from the, come to you, a flower from the,
come to you, a flower from the sky.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:28

It was late one afternoon ,as the sun began to dive.
When the flower fell out within my hand from the deep velvet sky.
she is still there so fearing puring so please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you ,a flower from the sky.
She came to me with a joy, she took me by her hand.
We set out for our journey to a forever wonderous land.
A place where pink elephants still playing in the band.
She took me to her beautiful land.
Now I stood it in confusion and scare.
She began to rest and neat my foggy stain there and what they far from my mother so
please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you, a flower from the, come to you, a flower from the,
come to you, a flower from the sky.
And what they far from my mother so please don't ask me why.
But I've come to you, a flower from the, come to you, a flower from the,
come to you, a flower from the sky
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