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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 12:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:37

Xiangqi is a two-player Chinese board game in the same family as Western chess. The present-day form of Xiangqi originated in China and is therefore commonly called Chinese chess in English. The first character "Xiang" here has the meaning "image" or "representational", hence Xiangqi can be literally translated as "representational chess". The game is sometimes called "elephant chess" after an alternative meaning of Xiang as "elephant".

Xiangqi has a long history. Though its precise origins have not yet been confirmed, the earliest literary reference comes from the 9th century.

Xiangqi is one of the most popular board games in the world. Distinctive features of Xiangqi include the unique movement of the pao ("cannon") piece, a rule prohibiting the generals (similar to chess kings) from facing each other directly, and the river and palace board features, which restrict the movement of some pieces. 棋子的名称:
2 Rooks (R) (or chariots) 车
2 Knights (N) (or horses) 马
2 Elephants (M) (or bishops or ministers) 象
2 Mandarins (G) (or advisors or assistants or guards) 士
1 King (K) (or generals) 将
2 Cannons (C) 炮
5 Pawns (P) (or soldiers) 卒

The Rook moves as an orthodox Rook.

The Knight moves one point orthogonally followed by one point outward-diagonally. It may not leap over occupied points.

The Elephant moves exactly two points diagonally. It may not leap over occupied points. Also, Elephants are confined to their home side of the river. Due to these limitations, the Elephant can see only seven points of the board.

The Mandarin (or Guard) moves one point diagonally. It may never leave the palace.

King or General
The King moves as an orthodox King, but cannot move diagonally. It may never leave the palace. (See King for more information.) [The symbols on red and black Kings differ, but their moves are the same.]
The two Kings cannot face each other on an open file. For example, a red King on e1 and a black King on e9, with no piece on the e-file between them, is an illegal position. If either King sits exposed on an open file, the other King may not move to occupy that file.

Cannons (Pao)
The Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively.
The Cannon moves passively as an orthodox Rook
The Cannon moves to capture as an orthodox Rook which is required to hop over a single screen.
In other words, Cannons capture by hoping over a second piece in order to capture a third piece. For example, a Cannon on a1 can take a piece on f1 when exactly one of the points b1, c1, d1, or e1 is occupied by a piece of either color. Cannons only capture when hoping and only hop when capturing. They may never hop over more than one piece in a given move.

Unlike orthodox Pawns, the Xiangqi Pawn's passive move and capture move are always the same. A starting Pawn moves one point straight-forward. A Pawn crossing the river promotes, keeping its old move and gaining a new move -- a one-point step to either horizontal. Pawns do not promote on the last rank, where they can move only left or right.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:38

Rooks (or chariots) 车
Knights (or horses) 马
Elephants (or bishops or ministers) 象
Mandarins (or advisors or assistants or guards) 士
King (or generals) 将
Cannons 炮
Pawns (or soldiers) 卒

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:38

“马”走“日”象走田 车炮走直路 吃子炮翻山 将在九宫转 士只走斜线 小卒攻过河 可横可向前

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:39


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:39



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