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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 12:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 15:07


This system design a AT89S52 SCM control based on the speech broadcast DMMS. It is a kind of cheap and simple, automatic display and the measurement data results, smaller, powerful, easy to carry the speech broadcast DMMS. Requirement can be measured accurately must be within the scope of the resistor, capacitor, inctor, current and voltage parameters, can be in LED display and also on display and speech broadcast by way of measuring results will tell the user, thus rece for visual error brought the readings, and further improve the instrument error of measurement accuracy, has some of the intelligent. System principle is measured parameters by R, L, C, I, V, after frequency conversion circuit, the corresponding parameter value will be converted into the frequency, again through the mouth AT89S52 SCM T0 this frequency sampling count, through internal processing chip after frequency back into a real data in value, LED digital display, and through the XianShiGuan ISD1420 chips out of the speech. The instrument measurement is usually by resonance method, bridge or voltammetry method to measure data in its measurement error, is fairly large, and this design USES the forecasting parameters will be converted into the frequency again after the treatment, recovering the data, and the measurement error are small, so as to improve the accuracy of the instrument.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 15:07

This system design a AT89S52 SCM control based on the speech broadcast DMMS. It is a kind of cheap and simple, automatic display and the measurement data results, smaller, powerful, easy to carry the speech broadcast DMMS. Requirement can be measured accurately must be within the scope of the resistor, capacitor, inctor, current and voltage parameters, can be in LED display and also on display and speech broadcast by way of measuring results will tell the user, thus rece for visual error brought the readings, and further improve the instrument error of measurement accuracy, has some of the intelligent. System principle is measured parameters by R, L, C, I, V, after frequency conversion circuit, the corresponding parameter value will be converted into the frequency, again through the mouth AT89S52 SCM T0 this frequency sampling count, through internal processing chip after frequency back into a real data in value, LED digital display, and through the XianShiGuan ISD1420 chips out of the speech. The instrument measurement is usually by resonance method, bridge or voltammetry method to measure data in its measurement error, is fairly large, and this design USES the forecasting parameters will be converted into the frequency again after the treatment, recovering the data, and the measurement error are small, so as to improve the accuracy of the instrument.
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