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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-04 04:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:25

* intermediate accountant the title, and be familiar with national finance system and relevant policies and regulations
* English four levels, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
* skilled with use-friend financial software

Working experience:
Since January 2008 XX Co., LTD finance cashier
1, examine the original documents, deal with submit an expense account, cash and bank deposit the collection, payment and settlement business and making vouchers,
2, responsible for cash journal and bank journal's establishment, nissin month knot, accounting ledger,
3, responsible for selling come-and-go account accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting,
4, regular statistics report to internal departments' expense circumstance,
5, responsible unit statistics provided work;
6, prepare company financing needed all information, familiar with company loan proceres,
7, assist supervisor completes other temporary task.

August 2004 - December 2008 XX Co., LTD engineering sales assistant
1, tracking the execution of the contract shall be responsible for the management, establish and equipment contract ledger, fund account, timely records, check each sum of detailed information, regular prepare financial statements, statistical report,
2, responsible and provincial branch company and customer contact, completes the work in coordination, issue the letter of reconciliation, shipment notification, proction notification, guarantee the reconciliation, reminders of implementation, such specific work with finance collaboration in a timely manner, and ensure that the accounting adjustment, to ensure that the company's capital rapid cage,
3, management department inside spending accounts, detailed records of the expenditure incurred amount and purposes, accomplish for this department expenditure,
4, collect and manage customer data files and all kinds of material, assort, for the sales staff to provide accurate first-hand material,
5 and assist the department manager preparation, organization, conferences and activities,
6, do visit customer reception work;
7 and assist the department manager to perform various clerical work,
8 and finish the other tasks leadership temporary confessed.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:25

* intermediate accountant the title, and be familiar with national finance system and relevant policies and regulations
* English four levels, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
* skilled with use-friend financial software

Working experience:
Since January 2008 XX Co., LTD finance cashier
1, examine the original documents, deal with submit an expense account, cash and bank deposit the collection, payment and settlement business and making vouchers,
2, responsible for cash journal and bank journal's establishment, nissin month knot, accounting ledger,
3, responsible for selling come-and-go account accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting,
4, regular statistics report to internal departments' expense circumstance,
5, responsible unit statistics provided work;
6, prepare company financing needed all information, familiar with company loan proceres,
7, assist supervisor completes other temporary task.

August 2004 - December 2008 XX Co., LTD engineering sales assistant
1, tracking the execution of the contract shall be responsible for the management, establish and equipment contract ledger, fund account, timely records, check each sum of detailed information, regular prepare financial statements, statistical report,
2, responsible and provincial branch company and customer contact, completes the work in coordination, issue the letter of reconciliation, shipment notification, proction notification, guarantee the reconciliation, reminders of implementation, such specific work with finance collaboration in a timely manner, and ensure that the accounting adjustment, to ensure that the company's capital rapid cage,
3, management department inside spending accounts, detailed records of the expenditure incurred amount and purposes, accomplish for this department expenditure,
4, collect and manage customer data files and all kinds of material, assort, for the sales staff to provide accurate first-hand material,
5 and assist the department manager preparation, organization, conferences and activities,
6, do visit customer reception work;
7 and assist the department manager to perform various clerical work,
8 and finish the other tasks leadership temporary confessed.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:25

* intermediate accountant the title, and be familiar with national finance system and relevant policies and regulations
* English four levels, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
* skilled with use-friend financial software

Working experience:
Since January 2008 XX Co., LTD finance cashier
1, examine the original documents, deal with submit an expense account, cash and bank deposit the collection, payment and settlement business and making vouchers,
2, responsible for cash journal and bank journal's establishment, nissin month knot, accounting ledger,
3, responsible for selling come-and-go account accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting,
4, regular statistics report to internal departments' expense circumstance,
5, responsible unit statistics provided work;
6, prepare company financing needed all information, familiar with company loan proceres,
7, assist supervisor completes other temporary task.

August 2004 - December 2008 XX Co., LTD engineering sales assistant
1, tracking the execution of the contract shall be responsible for the management, establish and equipment contract ledger, fund account, timely records, check each sum of detailed information, regular prepare financial statements, statistical report,
2, responsible and provincial branch company and customer contact, completes the work in coordination, issue the letter of reconciliation, shipment notification, proction notification, guarantee the reconciliation, reminders of implementation, such specific work with finance collaboration in a timely manner, and ensure that the accounting adjustment, to ensure that the company's capital rapid cage,
3, management department inside spending accounts, detailed records of the expenditure incurred amount and purposes, accomplish for this department expenditure,
4, collect and manage customer data files and all kinds of material, assort, for ? sales people

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:26

* intermediate accountant the title, and be familiar with national finance system and relevant policies and regulations

* English four levels, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

* skilled with use-friend financial software

Working experience:

Since January 2008 XX Co., LTD finance cashier

1, examine the original documents, deal with submit an expense account, cash and bank deposit the collection, payment and settlement business and making vouchers,

2, responsible for cash journal and bank journal's establishment, nissin month knot, accounting ledger,

3, responsible for selling come-and-go account accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting,

4, regular statistics report to internal departments' expense circumstance,

5, responsible unit statistics provided work;

6, prepare company financing needed all information, familiar with company loan proceres,

7, assist supervisor completes other temporary task.

August 2004 - December 2008 XX Co., LTD engineering sales assistant

1, tracking the execution of the contract shall be responsible for the management, establish and equipment contract ledger, fund account, timely records, check each sum of detailed information, regular prepare financial statements, statistical report,

2, responsible and provincial branch company and customer contact, completes the work in coordination, issue the letter of reconciliation, shipment notification, proction notification, guarantee the reconciliation, reminders of implementation, such specific work with finance collaboration in a timely manner, and ensure that the accounting adjustment, to ensure that the company's capital rapid cage,

3, management department inside spending accounts, detailed records of the expenditure incurred amount and purposes, accomplish for this department expenditure,

4, collect and manage customer data files and all kinds of material, assort, for the sales staff to provide accurate first-hand material,

5 and assist the department manager preparation, organization, conferences and activities,

6, do visit customer reception work;

7 and assist the department manager to perform various clerical work,

8 and finish the other tasks leadership temporary confessed.
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