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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-03 23:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 08:31



  Queen Margaret University is located only a few minutes train journey from Edinburgh city centre. Scotland’s amazing capital has so much to offer students; galleries, museums, cinemas, shops, clubs, pubs, restaurants, concert venues, theatres, a wide range of sports facilities, and a series of festivals running throughout the summer.



  Our modern campus is situated on the east side of Edinburgh, by Musselburgh which provides easy access to the beautiful East Lothian countryside. Musselburgh itself has a wide range of facilities available including; a sports centre with swimming pool, numerous supermarkets and shops, a racecourse, two golf courses, a beach, restaurants, pubs, a public library, riverside walks, a pitch and putt course, a bowling green, beaches and a coastal region which offers a selection of outdoor and water activities.



  Our modern purpose-built campus which opened in 2007 is surrounded by attractive landscaped grounds. The main academic building houses an outstanding Learning Resource Centre equipped with modern high-tech facilities and features a wide range of flexible study spaces to suit different learning styles. Throughout the campus there are approximately 600 computer terminals available for student use and access to Wi-Fi. Additional facilities include: a University bistro/café, University shop, JobShop, Business Innovation Zone and a Contemplation Room (non-denominational).



  Our excellent on-site student halls of residence have the capacity to house up to 800 students in en-suite rooms in shared flats. The students’ union offers a selection of clubs and extra-curricular activities whilst our sports centre includes a fitness suite, weights room, exercise studio, sports hall and Astroturf.



  Living on campus is very convenient for students: it’s a mere two minutes’ walk from the student village to the main academic building, students’ union and sports facilities. Students choosing to live in halls won’t need to worry about paying gas or electricity bills as the accommodation fee includes these costs.



  The Student Village on campus houses 800 study bedrooms. Each study bedroom is located in a self-contained flat for either three, four, five or six students sharing. Each flat has a kitchen and comfortable living area and each bedroom is equipped with an en-suite shower and toilet, wired and wireless internet connection and well-designed storage.


  Student life

  With a student population of around 5,000, comprising of both national and international students, based on one campus, we offer a close community environment in which our students can fulfil their potential.



  The Students’ Services Office at the University has a team of specialists who look after the welfare needs of the students by offering support in the areas of; careers and student employment, disability advice, counselling, student funding advice, transition and pre-entry guidance, and student health.


  The on-campus students’ union provides a focal point for the representative, welfare, sporting, cultural, and recreational needs of the students. Currently there are 14 sports teams on campus and a range of societies that include; dance, music, culture, politics and faith. Students also have the opportunity to create their own team or society if one does not exist that covers their specific area of interest.


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