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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 15:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 21:16

note [n�0�5ut] n.1. [常用复数]笔记,记录;随笔2. 按语,批注;评论;注释,注解3. 短笺,便条4. (外交)照会5. [用复数]综述报告,概述6. 钞票,纸币7. 票据,期票;借据8. 注意,观察,留心;注重9. 暗示,提示;象征10. 重要性;后果11. 名望;显要12. 好听的声音;调子13. 【音乐】 乐音;音符音键琴键14. 乐器的音调;音色15. [古语]曲调;歌16. 声音;(鸟等的)鸣叫声17. 特征,基本特点;(香水等的)基本香型18. 声调,口气;调子19. [古语]标记,记号;烙印;评分vt.1. 在…上做标记;记下,记录;摘录:例句: to note a case
对一桩案子做笔录to note an important report
摘录一篇重要报告2. 给…加注释(或批注):例句: a book noted by Lenin
由列宁加批注的一本书3. 仔细观察,注意;注意到,察觉:例句: Note what he mentions following.
注意看他下面又要说什么了。They noted that their names have been removed from the list.
他们看到他们的名字已从名单上消失了。4. 指出,表明:例句: He didn't note he would join us.
他并没有表明他要与我们同甘共苦。5. 着重提到,强调:例句: He noted again he would completely resolve the dispute between the two countries.
他再一次强调,他将一次性地解决两国间的争端。6. 用音符记短语1. back a note背书票据2. change one's note改变说法,改变口气,改变方针,改*度3. compare notes (with)
a. (与…)商量,(同…)交换意见;讨论b. (和…)对笔记4. make (或 have,keep) a mental note牢记,铭记5. make (或 take) a note (或 notes) of把…记下来,把…作成札记(或笔记)6. of note
a. 显要的, 有名望的b. 值得注意的,应重视的7. on as…note以一种…的调子,以一种…的口气8. sound a false note不合调,走调;说话(或做事) 不对头(或不合时宜)9. sound a note of warning (against) something(对某事)发出警告,告诫(不要做某事或要提防某事)10. strike a false note说错话;办错事11. strike a note of (或 a…note)
a. [口语]b. 弹起一种…的调子,带上一种…的口气c. 说出一句…的话d. 表达一种…的意思e. 显示一种…的特征;形成一种…的特点12. strike the right note说话(或办事) 妥当;说到了点子上;做事做得恰到好处13. strike the wrong note
a. = strike a false noteb. (弹琴时)按错键14. take note (of)(对…)留意;注意(到…)15. take notes作记录,记笔记16. take short-hand note作速记17. touch a sympathetic note引起同情变形:vt.notednotingnote [n�0�5ut] n.1. a short personal letter2. a brief written record例句: he made a note of the appointment
3. a characteristic emotional quality例句: it ended on a sour notethere was a note of gaiety in her mannerhe detected a note of sarcasm
4. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)例句: he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes
5. a notation representing the pitch and ration of a musical sound例句: the singer held the note too long
6. a comment or instruction (usually added)例句: his notes were appended at the end of the article
7. high status importance owing to marked superiority8. a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling例句: there was a note of uncertainty in his voice
9. a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time例句: I had to co-sign his note at the bank
v.1. make mention of例句: They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing
2. notice or perceive例句: She noted that someone was following her
3. observe with care or pay close attention to例句: Take note of this chemical reaction
4. make a written note of例句: she noted everything the teacher said that morning
以上来源于: WordNet例句与用法Note what he mentions following.注意看他下面又要说什么了。《21世纪大英汉词典》If you see him, give him this note.如果你看到他,就把这个便条给他。 Purchase and put what problem should note again?购置和摆放又要注重哪些问题呢?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 21:16

note [n�0�5ut]
n. 笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便笺;照会;调子
vt. 注意;记录;注解
take notes作记录,记笔记 Note what he mentions following.注意看他下面又要说什么了If you see him, give him this note.如果你看到他,就把这个便条给他
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