发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 15:04
热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 06:28
热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 06:29
我对九年义务教育最大感受就是实行后比实行前学生一个学期要交费用都是倍数的增加,基本上都是原来4倍还要多了热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 06:29
我国义务教育法规定的义务教育年限为九年,这一规定符合我国的国情,是适当的。目前,我国的义务教育学制的实际情况是以“六三制”(即小学六年制,中学三年制)为主,多种学制并存。其中还有少数地区实行八年制的义务教育,即小学五年制,中学三年制,但这些地区目前也正在抓紧实现由八年制向九年制的过渡。从我国学制状况看来,九年制或八年制的义务教育包括了初等义务教育和初级中等义务教育两个阶段。适龄儿童、少年按规定在义务教育学校完成了九年或八年的义务教育学习,即可达到初中毕业的文化程度热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 06:30
现在大多数人都在抨击我国现行的教育制度,但是,只是指出中国教育*的弊端,并没有给出更好的解决方案。热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 06:30
Our country compulsory ecation law stipulation's compulsory ecation age limit is nine years, this stipulation tallies with our country's national condition, is suitable. At present, our country's compulsory ecation ecational system's actual situation is by “63 systems” (i.e. an elementary school six year system, a middle school three year system) primarily, many kinds of ecational system coexisting. And also has the minority area to implement eight year system the compulsory ecation, namely elementary school five year system, middle school three year system, but these areas are grasping at present also to realize by eight year system to nine year system transition. Looks like from our country ecational system condition, nine year system or eight year system's compulsory ecation has included the compulsory primary ecation and the primary obligatory secondary ecation two stages. The children of school age, the youth have completed nine year or eight year compulsory ecation study according to the stipulation in the compulsory ecation school, then achieves years of schooling which the junior middle school graates ,so I support very much, is improves the national quality the good deed, should better implements 12 year compulsory ecation, like this, we will have a higher quality, the country can be more formidable!